The literature list

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    2. Antonov D.N., Antonova I.A.register: time to collect stones. \\Otech. Archives. - 1996. - №4, s.15-28; № 5, s.29-42.
    3. Antonov D.N., Antonova И.А. About фондировании and archival heuristics metric книг. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997
    4. Бычкова M.Semejnyj летописец.//the Native land. N 2,4. 1991.
    5. Ветошко A.A.document of establishments of spiritual department Orlovshchiny. \\Otech. Archives, №5, 1996.
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    8. Gluhovsky I.I.archival sources of the genealogical information on a residence. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the All-Russia conference on December, 20-22th, 1994 - М, 1995.
    9. Gluhovsky I.I.archival sources about military service HV11 - ХХ the centuries containing the genealogical information. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    10. Elpatevsky A.V.legislative sources on stories of documenting of a class accessory in imperial Russia (ХV111 - beginning ХХ centuries). \\a Russian history Source study, 1984. М, 1986.
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    12. Иноземцева Z.P.genealogical the information in the state storehouses (problems and decisions). \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    13. Koshelev О, Martin, Frosts Б, etc. About centre creation on computer processing and studying of the biographic and genealogical information in РГАДА. \\the Bulletin of the archivist, 1993, s.103-104.
    14. Курникова dares in the legislation of the foreign states an access problem to the information, concerning private life of citizens. \\Personal funds and collections - a source of preservation of national memory of Russia. Theses of reports and messages of scientifically-practical conference. - М, 1994.
    15. Курникова И.А. To a question on the property documentation storing the genealogical information. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    16. Леонтьева O.G.Dokumenty on staff ГАТО as a genealogical source. \\Otech. Archives, 1993, №4, s.103-106.
    17. Medical Ushevsky O.M.Lichnye funds and a problem of legal consciousness. \\Personal funds and collections - a source of preservation of national memory of Russia. Theses of reports and messages of scientifically - practical conference. - М, 1994.
    18. Mezentsev Е.В. Military directories of biographic character (on staff of Russian army till 1917) \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    19. Technique of search of the genealogical information in documents ГАСО. An instruction. \HECTARE of Sverdl. Region - Ekaterinburg, 1995.
    20. Онучин A.N.arch поколенных lists of Russia: peasantry. Sources, drawing up principles. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    21. Онучин a genealogical tree. Perm, 1992.
    22. The organisation of use of documents ГАФ the USSR. The grant for archivists. - М, 1991.
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    25. The list of funds and documents of TSGA РТ containing genealogical materials 1798 for 1918 \Kazan, 1992.
    26. Podjapolsky E.P.Revizsky of a fairy tale as historical источник. \\to Academician B.D.Grekovu by day of the 70 anniversary. The collection of articles, М, 1959.
    27. Order of execution of genealogical inquiries under documents of the State archival fund. \ВНИИДАД. - М, 1990.
    28. Rules on execution of inquiries of biographic character and the organisation of this work. ЦГА RSFSR. - М, 1978.
    29. Prokhorov M. F. Structure and the maintenance of documents of assembly origin ХV111 of a century. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. \\Reports and theses of performances at the All-Russia conference on December, 20-22th, 1994 - М, 1995.
    30. Prokhorov M. F. Household inventories ХV111 century as a historical source. \\Arhivovedenie and a source study of Otechestvenno of history. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    31. Romanov S.N.genealogical the information in funds of local establishments of spiritual department. \\Personal funds and collections - a source of preservation of national memory of Russia. Theses of reports and messages of scientifically-practical conference. - М, 1994.
    32. Romanov С.Н. To a question on the description of archives of churches. \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the All-Russia conference on December, 20-22th, 1994 - М, 1995.
    33. Romanov S.N.genealogical the information on marriage and divorce in archival documents ХV111 - Х1Х centuries \\Arhivovedenie and the Russian history source study. Interaction problems at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    34. The user's guide for work from an automated workplace "the Account of registers of births". \HECTARE of Sverdl. Region - Ekaterinburg.
    35. Савелов L.Lektsii on Russian genealogy. М, 1995.
    36. Sejnensky A.E.native land: history Pages: For the aid to the historian-regional specialist. М: Interfax, 1994.
    37. Sirotinsky I.P.some of feature of research of documents of a personal origin. \\Arhivovedenie and a source study of the Russian history of a problem of interaction at the present stage. Reports and theses of performances at the second All-Russia conference on March, 12-13th, 1996 М, 1997.
    38. The directory-orientation about kinds of the documents containing the genealogical information (for the pre-revolutionary period). \HECTARE of Uljan. Region, Ulyanovsk, 1994.
    39. L.V.Tarasov, I.A.Mishina, L.N.Zharova. History. 5 class. 1 part. The experimental textbook of developing type. М: 1994.
    40. Tjazhelnikova V. S. Mass documents of a personal origin and private life. \\Personal funds and collections - a source of preservation of national memory of Russia. Theses of reports and messages of scientifically - practical conference. - М, 1994.
    41. Юшин I.F.research on a social history and a problem of "personal secret" citizens. \\Personal funds and collections - a source of preservation of national memory of Russia. Theses of reports and messages of scientifically-practical conference. - М, 1994.


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