Family family tree

Basis of genealogical researches is registration in the form of a family tree, data received during search. Family tree graphic representations are rather various. Most the wide circulation was received by family trees in the form of the family tree which has was one of updatings of "a life tree", expressing representation about general interrelation of the world. "The tree of a human life" connects the past, the present and the future, in it the idea of immortality and eternal continuation of a life triumphs. The same sense was given also to a family tree of a sort, family: its leaves die and fall, but the tree of a sort continues to live.

In the family tree basis the name of the ancestor was located, and on a trunk and branches names, portraits and the arms of its descendants settled down in medallions. In other variants of a tree in the basis the name of for whom the family tree was made was located, and its ancestors formed "trunk" and "crone". The additional information transferred by means of colour: with names of women married, it was accepted to represent medallions lilac, maidens - dark blue, the men who had posterity - yellow, not having - red.

In the general view family trees share on ascending and descending. In ascending genealogical main object of research is that person about which ancestors data gather, begin gathering of the information with it, and then go on ascending steps or knees, i.e. to the father, the grandfather, the great-grandfather etc. This kind of a family tree has initial, preliminary character and is made when the researcher still does not have enough of data and it is more expedient to it to move from known to the unknown person.

Click with a mouse in the menu panel on the button with the tree pictogramme. The program will draw a family tree.
The program draws three kinds of genealogical trees:
1. An ascending general family tree (the tree joins all people available in the list of members of a family);
2. A descending general tree on a man's or female line (shows different families, sorts and communications between them);
3. A descending personal genealogical branch, since the current person in the table.

The choice of a kind of a tree is carried out in "Adjustment".

Before tree construction, the program checks correctness and completeness of the entered data: whether the sex of person is entered; whether there is in the list a father and mother; the child should not be more senior parents. If the program finds out errors, she informs on it and asks to continue construction of a tree or to cancel. For correct construction of a tree the found out errors are better for eliminating.

General family tree:

The ascending general family tree shows all people available in the list of members of a family. The tree is drawn in the order of dates of birth of ancestors of a genealogical branch, since a trunk bottom.

Medallions with names of men are represented with light-turquoise pouring, and women - light pink. In the centre a tree trunk. From a tree trunk there are branches to ancestors. From ancestors already there are branches to descendants. Communication of mother and the child is shown by a light green arch. Communication between the husband and the wife is shown by a yellow line.

The general family tree on a man's or female line:

The descending general family tree shows all people on a man's or female line.

In the centre a tree trunk. From a tree trunk there are branches to ancestors. From ancestors already there are branches to descendants. Communication of mother and the child (the father and the child for a tree on a female line) is shown by a green arch round a tree or sideways.

Personal descending genealogical branch:

To draw a personal branch, it is necessary to establish the cursor on the person since whom it is necessary to start to draw a branch.

The husband and the wife are in this kind of a tree nearby. From the husband (from the wife if to build a branch on a female line) there are branches downwards to descendants. If at the man (woman) it is some wives (husbands) then the medallion of the man (woman) repeats with other wife (husband) and from it there are branches to their joint descendants.

Tree of nationalities:

To draw a tree of nationalities, it is necessary to establish the cursor on the person since whom it is necessary to start to draw a tree. The nationality for men and women is better for setting in one case, for example: Russian, the Ukrainian, the Byelorussian etc.

For change of scale of a picture of a tree, click with the right button of the mouse in drawing. In the opened menu choose desirable scale of drawing.

To look the full information on the person in a tree click on it once with a mouse.

Quickly to pass in the list click two times with a mouse on the person in a tree.

The family tree can be constructed in format HTML. For this purpose in "Adjustment" F9 in вкладке "Tree" choose "Canvas"-> "HTML".

General family tree:

The ascending general family tree shows all people available in the list of members of a family. The tree is drawn in the order of dates of birth of ancestors of a genealogical branch, since a trunk bottom.

Medallions with names of men are represented with light-turquoise pouring, and women - light pink. In the centre a tree trunk. From a tree trunk there are branches to ancestors. From ancestors already there are branches to descendants. Communication of mother and the child is shown by a light green line, and the line goes from the top corner of a medallion of mother to a lower corner of a medallion of the child.

The general family tree on a man's or female line:

The descending general family tree shows all people on a man's or female line. In the centre a tree trunk. From a tree trunk there are branches to ancestors. From ancestors already there are branches to descendants. Communication of mother and the child (the father and the child for a tree on a female line) is shown by a green arch round a tree or sideways.

Personal descending genealogical branch:

To draw a personal branch, it is necessary to establish the cursor on the person from whom it is necessary to start to draw a branch. The husband and the wife are in this kind of a tree nearby. From the husband (from the wife if to build a branch on a female line) there are branches downwards to descendants. If at the man (woman) it is some wives (husbands) then the medallion of the man (woman) repeats with other wife (husband) and from it there are branches to their joint descendants.

Tree of nationalities:

To draw a tree of nationalities, it is necessary to establish the cursor on the person since whom it is necessary to start to draw a tree. The nationality for men and women is better for setting in one case, for example: Russian, the Ukrainian, the Byelorussian etc.

When enough of materials is collected already and ancestors of the given person are found out, pass to a family tree descending, i.e. begin with most remote of known ancestors and gradually pass to its descendants. This family tree more conveniently for inquiries and more demonstrates an overall picture of a life and sort activity, since more remote times and being gradually developed till last days.

Ascending and descending family trees happen man's and mixed. As man's descending family trees are called such family trees which specifies all posterity of the given ancestor, but an event only from men, female representatives of a sort are presented by names of the spouses.

As smeshanno-descending is called such family trees which specifies all posterity of the given ancestor, an event both from men, and from women. This family tree is not a family tree of one surname because covers a considerable quantity of the sorts which have occurred from one ancestor on female lines. It is necessary for finding-out of related communications between lateral relatives in processes about the inheritance, i.e. pursue material interests.

As smeshanno-ascending family tree is called the family tree specifying all immediate ancestors of the given person both on man's, and on female lines, absolutely neglecting not only female names, but also the lateral lines which have occurred from man's representatives of the same sort. The similar family tree always has correct enough form in the graphic plan since in the first knee one person is underlined, in 2nd - two, in 3rd - four, in 4th - eight etc. in a geometrical progression, and each of these persons in one knee belongs to other sort so in the fourth knee we have representatives of eight various surnames, and in the fifth - already sixteen etc.

Mixed genealogical, not only ascending, but also descending, are used rather seldom and mostly with the special purposes.

Thus, there are following kinds of family trees:
1) ascending-man's in which immediate ancestors on a man's line are specified only.
2) ascending-man's with instructions not only immediate ancestors of the given person, but also brothers and sisters of each of them.
3) descending-man's is the most widespread and it is unique accepted in scientific works if they have no any special problems.
4) descending-mixed: In this approximate genealogical in 4th knee from the ancestor already 7 various surnames. Chances when them can be more.

Family tree drawing up is a result of genealogical research to which long work on gathering and ordering of data on those persons which will be included into the genealogical table or a list precedes.

Preservation of the data

To keep a family tree in a graphic file click with a mouse in the menu panel on the button with the pictogramme дисковвода with a diskette.

The press of the data

To deduce on the printer a family tree click with a mouse in the menu panel on the button with the printer pictogramme, the tree will be printed.

To return to the list of members of a family, click with a mouse on the first pictogramme with the book


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The Family Tree of Family