(РГАДА, ф.1209, оп.1, е.х.8181)

(л.3) Summer of 1710 of December in __ day under the decree of a great sovereign of the tsar and grand duke Peter Alekseevicha всеа Velikija and Malyja and Belyja Rosii of the autocrat under articles behind signing of Sanktpitebursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova what are sent in Toropets to вицкаменданту to Filipu Mihajlovichju Musorsky is written on its great sovereign to the decree велено in Sanktpiterbursky province to copy in all городех on посадех... Both in Toroptse a city and in district... And in Holmsk district...

(л.4) In Toroptse in a city...
(л.12об.) in a court yard … son Botkin … (л.15) In a court yard … son Botkin … (л.32) In a court yard … son Botkin … (л.32об.) in a court yard … son Botkin … (л.75) In a court yard … son Botkin …
Toropetsky стрельцов the court yard … serves in Toroptse

(л.100) Toropetsky gunners …

(л.104) In Toroptse in a city court yard of noble family...

(л.105об.) Simeon Mihajlova's court yard of son Golenischev Kutuzov, in it
The peasant...

(л.108) Toropetsky district
Volost Kazarinsky in погостех
(л.116) For landowners
For Feodor Petrov son Nepejtsynym... From a sort to it of 65 years, a great sovereign service the general фельтмаршала served in Novgorod to a regiment in стряпчих and last 704th year in Pskov on розбору and ковалера Boris Petrovicha Sheremetev behind an old age from regimental services is set aside... The wife ево помещикова Akulina Petrov the daughter of 27 years [the daughter of prince Peter Anfinogenovicha Shahovskogo], children ево помещиковы son Michael Fedorov serves in elective Ingermolandsky швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, from a sort it 15 years, other son Kondratej of 7 years, the third son Afonasej of 5 weeks, the daughter maid Totjana of 12 years, Uljana of 5 years, other Totjana of 3th years... (л.116об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written to an estate for the father for Peter Jakovlevym the son yes for дядею ево for Andrey Nepejtsynym сельцо to Hatilitsy... (л.125) for Feodor... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Feodor Pavlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov village Morzhevo...

For Peter Andreevym son Nepejtsynym... On скаски ево from a sort it Peter 27 years, a great sovereign service serve in elective (л.125об.) Ingermolandsky швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina the wife at it Avdotya Mihajlovna of 18 years... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father for Andrey Jakovlevym son Nepejtsynym полсельца to Hotilitsy...

(л.141) For Andrey Stepanovym son Pustoroslevym... Lives in Zubtsovsky district serves a great sovereign service in life in Moscow to a regiment …

(л.159) For Ivan Fedorovym son Chihochevym on скаски the person ево Jacob Lavrentieva the landowner ево 35 years of a great sovereign service serve in elective Ingermolansky швандроне in a shelf Timothy Putjatina's prince, his wife Agafja Ivanov the daughter of 34 years, children Peter of 8 years, Ivan of 2 years, daughter Natalia of 13 years, Avdotya of 11 years, and others at it children of the landowner ево, братье, both внучат and свойственников нихто at court ево do not live, and estates behind it for the landowner ево on переписной to the book to 186th year in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written for the father of the landowner ево for Feodor Fedorovym son Chihochevym сельцо to Kuznetsovo з villages country and бобыльских and human 6 court yard yes on a summer residence last 203rd year behind it in the same Kozarinsky volost of the given estate village Tserkovishcha a court yard of the ancient person, and on переписной to 186th year one court yard … (л.159об is written the book for Ivan Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov ис that number.) In villages Filipovoj on переписной to the book to 186th year … (л.160) in villages Agafonatoj … (л.160об.) to villages Anelhinoj … … (л.161) in villages Mirtoshinoj … in villages Tserkovishchi … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Ivan Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov a court yard of the ancient person …

(л.161) For Leontem Osipov son Kutuzov … 27 years of a great sovereign service serve in elective швандроне in a shelf Timothy Putjatina's prince, his wife Avdotya Kirilova the daughter of 28 years, son Ivan of 20 weeks … (л.161об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father for Osipom Osipov son Kutuzov … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Ivan Maksimovym son Kutuzov …

(л.171) For Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov … lives in Toropetsky district in Grjadetsky volost … (л.161об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Stepan (л.171об.) Moksimovym son Kutuzov …

(л.173) For Simeon Mihajlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... The landowner ево Semion Golenischev lives Toropetsky district in Poretsky volost … (л.173об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov village Bobrovo …

(л.176) For вдовою daughter Mikitinoj the wife yes for вдовою Mareju Kirilovoj the daughter Vasilevsky wife Kutuzovymi … to Anna of 35 years at it daughter Avdotya of 6 years, Marina 3 years … on переписной to the book are written to 186th year Annoju Osipovoj for Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov … on розделу from its brother-in-law from Michael Vasileva of son Kutuzov … and ево the landowner [Марья] lives in Holmsk to district in Buetsky volost …

(л.177) For the greenhorn for Matveem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on fairy tales of the peasant ево Maxim Matveeva the landowner ево lives in Pustorzhevsky district, and in an estate behind it the landowner ево in Taropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost in villages Korbehinoj... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov... (л.178) and those are strong вышеписанные people and peasants to the landowner ево related from the grandfather ево Mikity Golenischev Kutuzov that is given the father ево to Ivan Golenischev Kutuzov …
[For the grandfather of the commander M.I.Golenishchevym-Kutuzovym in Toropetsky district in Kazarinsky volost in an estate half сельца Konishcheva Peremilova тож, Starkov's village with villages (ll.209ob.-210); in volost Startsovoj in an ancestral lands village Zubakinsky Alhovkina тож with villages, village that was сельцо Vetrovo (ll.713ob.-714); in Nezhelsky volost in an estate village Chernogubova Aristova Mordilova тож (л.757)]

(л.178) For Ivan Fedorovym son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the peasant ево... For the landowner ево Ivan Golenischev Kutuzov given ево estates in Toropetsky district in Kazarinsky volost in villages Fishovoj... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Stepan Maksimovym son Kutuzov... (л.178об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Osipom Osipov son Kutuzov... (л.179) to the landowner ево on a summer residence of the given estate of the past to 707th year from Osipa Kutuzov …

(л.192) For Feodor Yeliseyev son Agarkov on скаски ево from a sort it Feodor of 40 years, a great sovereign service served in рейтарех in Novgorod to a regiment and last 705th year behind a mutilation from regimental service is set aside... His wife Agrafena Jakovleva the daughter of 25 years, daughter Afrosinja of 2 years, and estates behind it in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Eliseem Semenovym son Agarkov in сельце Fishove... The court yard of landowners, lives in it it Feodor з женою and з детми... Yes with тогож сельца, has got to it to Feodor from the brother ево on Ivan Yeliseyev's section of son Agarkov the peasant...

For Ivan Yeliseyev son Agarkov on скаски ево from a sort it Ivan of 50 years, напред this served (л.192об.) in рейтарех in Murzenkove to a regiment and last 709th year in Toroptse on розбору captain Mihajla Apreleva instead of service it is offered on money pays for a year on 2 I cut the wife at it Afimja of 40 years children Peter of 20 years serves nowadays in драгунех in new instrument to a regiment, Michael of 5 years daughter Nenila of 6 weeks, and estates behind it in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Eliseem Agarkov сельцо Maksimovsky... The court yard of landowners, lives in it it Ivan з женою and з детми...

(л.194) For Jacob Ivanov the son yes Feodor Ivanov son Golenishchevymi Kutuzovymi on скаски ево Fedorova yes Jakovleva of the person... From a sort of 39 years, напред this great sovereign service served in копейщиках and last 701st year in Pskov on розбору фельтмаршала and ковалера (л.194об.) Boris Petrovicha Sheremetev from regimental services for очною illness it is set aside... The wife at it Avdotya Kuzmin the daughter of 30 years, children at it Ilja of 3th years, daughter Katerina of 5 years... And estates behind it... In Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Ivan Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov village Koshkovsky... To landowner Jacob from a sort of 45 years, напред this great sovereign service served in копейщиках and last 708th year in Great Novegorode on розбору лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman Korsakova] behind illness from regimental services it is set aside... The wife at it Avdotya Ivanov the daughter of 40 years, the daughter at it Anna of 11 years... And nowadays the landowner ево lies is sick... And estates behind it... In Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Ivan Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov village Koshkovsky з villages...

(л.196) For Vasilem beyond Ermiloj for Artemem Ivanovs детми Golenishchevymi Kutuzovymi on скаски their heads... Landowners ево in the house are not present, Vasilej yes nowadays serve as Ermila in Narva in infantry to a regiment in officers, Artemej has gone to Great Novgorod for investigation of fluent peasants, a great sovereign service served in elective швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina and in the past (л.196об.) To 709th year on розбору ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] instead of service it is offered on money плотит for a year on 9 рублев, and from a sort they landowners ево to Vasilej of 45 years, Ermila of 27 years, Artemej of 23 years, at Vasilja the wife of the landowner ево Alena Petrov the daughter of 23 years, son Gavrila of 3th years, their sister native in Hristina Ivanov's maidens the daughter of 15 years, and estates behind it the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost village Dehterevsky... It is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father their landowner ево for Ivan Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... In Kazarinsky volost in сельцо Manushkino and that court yard on переписной to the book to 186th year for for Ivan Stepanovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... (л.197) on розделу has departed братьи to their Jacob yes to Feodor Ivanov to children Golenischev Kutuzov village Koshkovsky... The village that was a heathland of Tserkovshchina a court yard отшол in dowries to the son-in-law their Ivan Fedorovu to son Chihachevu... Yes for the landowner ево Vasilem of the given estate a court yard бобыльской. . By which it is translated з Vystavka Kazhakova villages on a heathland of Mshenits and that court yard on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written beyond Ponfilom Stepanovym son Kozlovym … сельцо Reprevsky Manushkino тож and in that сельце a court yard of their landowners ево and in it a domestics …

(л.199) For Michael Vasilevym son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... The landowner in the house is not present, it has gone Staraya Russa for the needs, and from a sort the landowner ево 60 years, a great sovereign service served in Novgorod to a regiment in hundreds and last 705th year in Kopore on розбору ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] (л.199об.) Behind an old age from service it is set aside... To the wife ево, and ево to landowner Nastase Mikitinoj of the daughter of 50 years, children ево Andrey of 18 years, last 709th year on розбору captain Michael Apreleva is written elective швандроне to a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, and behind illness on service was not, yes from greenhorns of Matfej of 10 years, Mokar of 9 years, the daughter of the Barbarian of 16 years, Natalia of 15 years, and an estate behind it the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Vasilem Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov сельцо that there was a heathland Opolishinsky з villages... On розделу has departed to the brother ево to Feodor Golenischev Kutuzov of village Poldemovoj Levshino тож... A court yard отшол to Andrey Ivanov to son Kushelev... (л.200) on переписной to the book to 186th year for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov... An estate сельцо Polishino, and in that сельце a court yard ево landowners, in not a domestics... (л.201об.) And other half of court yard for Feodor Vosilevym son Golenischev Kutuzov... Yes in Dankovsky volost village...

(л.202) For Feodor Vosilevym son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... The landowner ево in the house is not present, under the decree of a great sovereign nowadays at аписки woods from a sort to it to the landowner ево 50 years, напред this service of a great sovereign served in hundreds and in копейщиках in Novgorod to a regiment and last 702nd year in Pskov on survey Big to a regiment of the general both фельтмаршала and ковалера Boris Petrovicha Sheremetev for ножною illness is set aside and nowadays from that illness свободился and in the past of 705th. . In Kopore on розбору ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] it is offered on money плотит for a year on 15 рублев, his wife Avdotya Petrov the daughter of 45 years, children ево Ivan of 23 years, a great sovereign service serves in elective швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, other son Sava to year, the daughter of the maiden Tatyana of 10 years, Anna of 7 years, at Ivan the wife Prokofiev's Blast furnace the daughter of 40 years, and behind it the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost that is written to an estate in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево (л.202об.) For Vosilem Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... On a summer residence to 194th year in Strezhinsky I will become in villages Zykovsky a half-court yard, and those of a half-court yard in переписной to the book are written to 186th year in Holmsk district in Zagorsk to a camp for Peter Mihajlovym son Zhukov to villages Grishinsky... (л.203) for the brother ево for Michael Vasilevym son Golenischev Kutuzov... (л.204) yes behind it the landowner ево after Ivan Stepanova's act of son Golenischev Kutuzov to 197th year сторинный the person...

(л.206) For Jurem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаске the peasant ево... For the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost полсельца Konishcheva Peremilovo тож з villages on переписной to 186th year of 6 court yard country and бобыльских and human and those court yard on переписной to the book is written to 186th year the book for Afonasem Vasilevym son Arbuzovym on villages Grishinoj Suharjana тож yes on village that there was a heathland of Polehova … yes сельцо that nowadays village Demehovsky … on переписной is written to 186th year the book on that village for the father of the landowner ево for Ivan Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov a court yard human … (л.206об.) полсельца Konishcheva Peremilovo тож and in that полусельце the landowner ево a court yard and in that court yard ancient the landowner ево people … that даваны were at it the landowner ево in given for сестрою ево Irineju … (л.209) on переписной to the book to 186th year for Vedenihtom Glazov …

(л.209об.) for Matveem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаске the peasant ево Denis Kirilova for the landowner ево Matveem Golenischev Kutuzov in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost полсельца Konishcheva Peremilovo тож, and in it a court yard ево landowners, in a court yard domestic ево people... (л.210) yes that is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov... Starkov's village with villages

(л.230) For Alexey Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov … lives in Toropetsky district in Dankovsky … (л.230об.) in Kozarinsky volost village Kostnova …

(л.260) For Michael yes beyond Oleksandrom Vasilevymi children of Kutuzovymi … to Michael of 55 years напред this service of a great sovereign served in hundreds and in копейщиках in Novgorod to a regiment and last 705th year in Kopore on розбору ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] behind an old age from service the son ево is set aside by Grigorej of 20 years … his wife Elisovet of 45 years and in the past to 709 year on розбору captain Michael Apreleva has been written in dragoons and in Great Novegorode on розбору евож лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha is released in the house for this purpose offered on money wife Anna of 17 years yes in сельце ево Kobelev a court yard ево Mihajlov … (л.260об pays for a year on 5 рублев.) Alexander's landowner of 40 years nowadays serves in рейтарех in Murzenkove to a regiment wife's ево as Koterina of 35 years the son ево Ivan of 4 years yes in сельце ево that there was Rogatchyov's village a court yard of the landowner ево … on переписной to the book to 186th year is written for дядею them for Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov … in village Boltunovoj …

(л.283об.) for Leontiem Mihajlovym son Kushelev yes beyond Moksimom Kirilovym son Boltinym on скаски their Leontija Kushelev yes Maksimova of peasant Boltina... From a sort to it Leontju of 60 years of widows папред this served in райтерях in Novgorotsky to a regiment and last 705th year in Kopore ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] from service son Efim of 6 years daughter Vasilisa of 17 years by Akulina (л.284) Nastasja of 9 years and estates behind it Leontiem is set aside 9 years … children ево that has got on розделу from братьей ево native from Trofima yes from Sergey yes from Simeon Kushelevyh village Rogova з villages … in сельце to Proshkove that there was a heathland a court yard ево landowners (л.284об.) Behind it Leontem and for the landowner ево … beyond Moksimom Boltinym вопче a court yard …. Beyond Moksimom Kirilovym son Boltinym in the same Kazarinsky volost … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Sergey Aleksandrovym son Kushelev village that there was a heathland of Ana … (л.285) to it Leontju from the father ево Michael Stepanova of son Kushelev in переписных both in отказных books and on fortresses and ево to Petrov to landowner Moksimu Boltinu are strong on summer residences (л.285об.) this 710th year …

(л.285об.) Beyond Kiriekom Feoklistovym son Galenishchevym Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... The landowner ево nowadays in the house is not present, there has gone in Holmsky district for a summer residence перепищеку скаски, from a sort it 35 years, service of a great sovereign serves in elective швадроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, Feoklist Feodor's his fathers son Galenishchev Kutuzov of 80 years, напред this served in Novgorod to a regiment in hundreds and in 700th year for старостию is set aside, and nowadays under the decree of a great sovereign in понизовом the city of Efremove воеводою, the wife ево Anna Mikitina the daughter of 35 years, at the landowner ево wife Marja Savin the daughter of 30 years, children ево Alexander of 5 years, Logvin of 3th years, and estates and an ancestral lands behind it the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost village Zykovsky з villages... In переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father ево beyond Feoklistom Fedorovym the son (л.286) Galenishchevym Kutuzov... Yes behind it the landowner ево village Fedorkova з villages of 6 court yard... Yes in Dankovsky volost village Korzova. . In переписной to 186th year the village Dmitrova is written the book for Ivan Stepanovym son Galenishchevym Kutuzov... In переписной to the book to 186th year for Feodor Leontevym son Nefedevym... In переписной to the book to 186th year beyond Danilom Konstentinovym son Nashchokinym... In переписной to the book to 186th year for Vasilem Matveevym son Kushelev... In переписной to the book to 186th year for Ofonasem Ivanov (л.286об.) son Kalitinym... In an ancestral lands fatherly has sat down Pure, in that village a court yard of landowners... (л.289) in last годех оташли in dowries to Jacob Gavrilovu to son Shetnevu... (л.291)... In last годех on death of former landowner Mikity Savinov of son Galenishcheva Kutuzov отшол... (л.291об.) to Simeon Mihajlovu to son Galenishchevu Kutuzov... It Simeon has translated on the earth in Konishchevsky arrival...

(л.295) Volost Kozarinsky for вотчинники

For Alexey Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov … lives in Poretsky volost... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov village Skrabotneva Petrushino тож з villages …

(л.354) For Sergey Nikitin son Kushalevym … in the house is not present there has gone in Lutsky district to the estate for a summer residence перепищику скаски …. From a sort of 16 years … a great sovereign service serves in elective швандроне at the colonel prince Timothy Putjatine the wife ево to Nastasja Filipova the daughter of 18 years sister ево as Nastasja Filipova the daughter of 18 years … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the grandfather of the landowner for Vosilem Matveevym son Kushalevym … (л.355) with дядьями ево Sergey yes with Ofonasem Vasilevym son Kushalevymi … in Holmsk district of given mother ево an ancestral lands … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Dmitry Ivanov son Kormolinym … for the landowner ево in an ancestral lands the given estates in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost village Kuzmino … and those court yard on переписной are written to 186th year the book for Mikitoju Gavrilovym son Arbuzovym … that was for the grandfather ево for Vasilem Kushalevym … (л.360) yes ево given to it from Filipa Mihajlova of the son of the Musorsky estate in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost of village Kuzminsky … on переписной to the book to 186th year the court yard бобыльской … is written
(л.360об.) and the landowner ево to Nikita Vasilevu's father to son Kushalevu …

For Egor yes for Gleb Andreevym son Kushalevym … service in elective (л.361) Piterbursky швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina and nowadays in the house they are not present Sankt there have gone for needs in Sankt Piterburh from a sort it Egor 30 years Gleb of 29 years at Egor wife Marja Lukina the daughter of 30 years the daughter ево Nastasja of 4 years at Gleb wife Marja Ivanov the daughter of 30 years daughter Anna of 4 years Proskovja of 2 years at them sister maiden Proskovja of 15 years … on переписной to the book to 186th year is written for the father for Andrey Ivanov the son yes for дядею for Ofonasem Ivanov son Kushalevymi сельцо Toroptsoj з villages …

(л.375) Dankovsky volost in погостех
(л.377) Volost Dankovsky for landowners …

(л.377об.) For Ivan Pavlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... The landowner ево in the house is not present, it has gone to Great Novgorod for investigation of fluent people and peasants, and from a sort the landowner ево 54 years, напред this great sovereign service served in Novgorod to a regiment in hundreds and in the past to 207 year on Moscow in розряде behind an old age and behind illness from service is set aside, instead of ево велено to serve from an estate ево and an ancestral lands to the son ево to Alexey Golenischev Kutuzov, and last 705th year in Kopore on розбору ево лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha [Roman-korsakova] is offered on money pays for a year on 20 рублев, his wife Darya of 45 years, the son ево Alexey Golenischev Kutuzov of 27 years, a great sovereign service serves in elective (л.378) швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, the wife ево Tatyana Mihajlova the daughter of 23 years, the son ево Pavel of 5 years, and an estate behind it the landowner ево in Toropetsky district in Dankovsky volost. . It is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for Feodor Pavlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov that has got to it to the landowner ево on section from it Feodor Golenischev Kutuzov... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Ivan Stepanovym son Golenischev Kutuzov of 10 court yard... In an ancestral lands сельцо Vasjukova, and in that сельце a court yard of the landowner ево... (л.380) on розделу дасталась to the brother ево to Feodor Golenischev Kutuzov... On acts (л.380об.) the former landowner отшел to Vasily Volodimerovu to son Golenischev Kutuzov... And nowadays in possession for the son ево for Feodor Golenischev Kutuzov... Other court yard отшол to Ivan Volodimerovu to son Golenischev Kutuzov... (л.381) one court yard отшол on acts of former landowner Eremeju Savelyev to son Glazov...

(л.397) For prince Ivan княж Gavrilovym the son Shehovsky on скаски ево from a sort it prince Ivan Shehovskoj of 39 years, напред this great sovereign service served in elective швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, last 708th year behind a mutilation from service is set aside and last 709th year in Toroptse on розбору captain Michael Apreleva is offered on money плотит for a year on 11 рублев, his wife Avdotya Sergeeva the daughter of 37 years, at негож children daughter Avdotya of 7 years, Afimja of 4th years, and estates behind it in Toropetsky district in Dankovsky volost that is written on переписным (л.397об.) to books to 186th year for the father ево prince Gavrilom Ivanov the son Shehovsky that has got on розделу from the brother ево prince Boris Shehovskogo сельцо to Busovo з villages...

(л.399об.) For prince Boris княж Gavrilovym the son Shehovsky [has died in 1727] on скаски ево from a sort it the prince of 30 years of widows [the former wife Praskovja Grigorevna, урожд. Green] a great sovereign service son Andrey of 5 years [1721 serves in elective швандроне prince Timothy Putjatina, at it: academies the schoolboy; 1726: SPb academies подмастерий; 1732: SPb academies of fortification the teacher; 1761: to Sea academy the captain, wife Matrena - daughter Kirjaka Feoktistovicha Golenischev-Kutuzov] (л.400) and estates behind it in Taropetsky district in Donkovsky volost that is written on переписным to books to 186th year for the father my prince Gavrilom Ivanov the son Shehovsky that дасталось on розделу from the brother ево prince Ivan Shehovskogo сельцо Plahino з villages... And in that вышеписанном сельце Plahine a court yard ево landowners... (л.401) on скаски Maksimova yes Sergeeva of person Kirilovyh of children of Boltina... To the landowner ево to Maxim 22 summers, to Sergey of 20 years [1724: Wife Natalia - the daughter of prince Ivan меньшого Vasilyevich Shahovsky], a great sovereign service they serve in elective Ingermolandsky швандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, at them landowners (л.401об.) to the father of their Kirilu Borisovichu Boltinu of 95 years Kirila wife Avdotya Petrov the daughter of 75 years, and landowners ево Maxim is decrepit and crippled абложен the monetary salary for a year on 15 рублев at it has gone to Moscow and Sergey has gone to the Novgorod district in сельцо Semeevo... And estates for landowners ево in Toropetsky district in Dankovsky volost Beskov's village... In переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Peter Borisovym son Boltinym yes for the father of their landowners ево... Last 193rd year in Toropetsky district in Kozarinsky volost the court yard бобыльской … that in переписной to the book is written to 186th year for Peter Matveevym son Kozlovym village Ljaletkino … in Dankovsky volost сельцо to Mjakishevo a court yard of their landowners ево and in it a domestics …

(л.418) Volost Strelinsky for landowners …
(л.432) Volost Strelinsky for вотчинники

(л.455) Volost Izbudetsky for landowners
For Jacob Jakovlevym son Veriginym … on скаски ево from a sort to it to Jacob of 50 years напред this great sovereign service served in elective шквандроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina and last 708th year by order of одмирала and презедента Feodor Matveevicha Apraksin's admiralties behind illness and behind an old age it is released in the house and nowadays at it the left hand has dried out the wife at it Stefanida Kirilova the daughter of 45 years children of Onions of 5 years daughter Fedosja to half a year … on переписным to books to 186th year for mother of my landowner for вдовою Marfoju Jakovlevskoju женою Ivanov of son Verigina сельцо Semive з villages …

(л.476) For стольником prince Alexey Vasilevym son Dolgorukov … the landowner ево lives on Moscow … and in an ancestral lands … in Vybudetsky volost that is written on переписным to books to 186th year for стольником for Feodor Ivanov son Veriginym village Ermolinsky Chernoguzova Zaharova тож з villages …

(л.485) Volost Strusky for landowners …
(л.489) Volost Strusky for вотчинники

(л.496) Volost Kudinsky in погостех
(л.499) Volost Kudinsky for landowners …

(л.496об.) for Feodor Afonasevym son Norovatym … on переписным to books to 186th year it is written for the father for Afonasem Norovatym

(л.513) For prince Osipom княж Averkievym the son Shehovsky on скаски the person ево... In an estate сельцо the heathland of Kamenka Art Emovsky тож over рекою over Bereznoj and in that сельце a court yard ево prince Osipov was Kokorevo that and he lives in that court yard the prince Has got hoarse and in last годех service it served in life under the Moscow list in розных regiments of boyars and воевод with arrival yes to holiday and for an old age from service is set aside and offered on money, from a sort to it of 70 years, wives ево Matreny Grigorevoj of the daughter of 60 years … and at it live in that court yard a domestics it Aniky (л.513об.) on переписным to books to 186th year village Lopatino з by villages … and that estate … with крестьяны after an act from it prince Osipa nowadays for лучанином for Stepan Vasilevym son Svistunovym … at it prince Osipa have been put емуж to Stepan Svistunovu and from prince Osipa at it (л.514) Stepan Svistunova those peasants this 710th year in September to term has redeemed …

(л.514об.) volost Kudinsky for вотчинники

(л.531) Volost Libutsky for landowners …
(л.541об.) volost Libutsky for вотчинники

(л.550) In Tursky volost for landowners
For Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov … on переписной to the book writes to 186th year … village Evseevsky Zabore тож … it Feodor has given in given for падчирицею своею Fedoseju Moksimu Bolotnikovu … and nowadays that court yard under the inquiry in владетельстве for Maxim Mihajlovym son Polibinym and it Feodor has given other court yard in given for падчирицею своею to Simeon Petrov to son Shetnevu …

(л.557) For Simeon Petrov son Shetnevym … the fourth share of village Evseevsky that nowadays словет Zabore … on переписной is written to 186th year the book … for Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov …

(л.564) For Feodor Vasilevym son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the peasant ево... In Toropetsky district in Tursky volost... In переписной to the book (л.564об.) to 186th year it is written for the father ево to Fedorovym for Vasilem Volodimerovym son Golenischev Kutuzov village Sidorovsky Anishino тож in a court yard the peasant...

(л.565об.) for Kirjakom Feoktistov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаске mandative ево the person... сельцо Tsylovo and in it a court yard for arrival a court yard ево Kirjakov

(л.582) Volost Poretsky …
(л.584) In Poretsky volost for landowners …

(л.585) For вдовою Mareju Kirilovoju the daughter Kutuzov's Vasilevsky wife on скаске it … 4th share of village Britkovoj that nowadays сельцо it the widow from a sort to it of 60 years to daughters to its maids of Ustini of 20 years Marfy of 15 years and оне its daughters live in Holmsk district and its husband вдовин a great sovereign of service served in hussars and its husband in last годех умре and the son of its Uljan served in рейтарех and last 703rd year its son on a great sovereign to service is decreased yes in that сельце

(л.589об.) for Seven-this Mihajlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov on fairy tales of the person ево... In Toropetsky district in Poretsky volost in an estate сельцо Rezanovo... The court yard ево Semionov, and serves it to Semion of a great sovereign service in dragoon to a regiment in моеорах in new instrument to a regiment, it from раду 35 years, wives ево as Lukeri Jakovlevoj of the daughter 34 summers, mothers ево native Domny Ievlevoj of 60 years, the niece ево Blast furnaces of 14 years, yes people serve in that сельце in a court yard at it Simeon... (л.590) yes at негож Semiona serve people in a court yard after an act of the father-in-law ево Jacob Chelishcheva, каторые has given for the daughter in given to it to Simeon... (л.590об.) it is written on переписной to the book to 186th year for the father ево for Michael Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov...

(л.594) In Poretsky volost for вотчинники

(л.598об.) For Jurem Ivanov the village Ereminsky Tolstouhova тож over рекою over Toropoju was son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево Gerasim Fedorova in an ancestral lands in Toropetsky district in Poretsky volost сельцо that, and in переписной to the book to 186th year is written for the father ево to Jurevym for Ivan Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov, on 5 court yard those village, and nowadays on Ereminsky Tolstouhova that village тож that nowadays сельцо he lives Jurja of 47 years, a great sovereign service served as the captain both on fight is wounded and last 705th year on розбору лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova regimental services Fedory Timofeevoj is set aside and offered on money, wives ево to the daughter of 45 years, at it children ево Jurju of 18 years of a great sovereign service serves the big son it in шквандроне, to Timothy of 13 years, to Alexey of 8 years, to Ivan of 6 years, daughter Proskovi of 10 years. . (л.599) are translated in Kazarinsky volost on village to Starkov and those peasants own the brother ево Alexey Golenischev Kutuzov yes the nephew ево native Matvej Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov... Village Darfeevsky Bridino тож and in переписной books to 186th year it is written for the father ево to Jurevym for Ivan Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov …

(л.600об.) for Alexey Ivanov the village Gritkovsky Mikulina тож over рекою over Toropoju was son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево Ivan Alekseeva in an ancestral lands in Toropetsky district in Poretsky volost сельцо that, and he lives in that сельце Alexey, it Alexey of a great sovereign service in Murom dragoon serves a regiment, is written порутчиком, from раду to it to Alexey of 37 years, the wife ево by Agrafeny Semionovoj of the daughter 33 summers, at it Alexey свойственников нихто does not live... It is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the father for Ivan Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov...

(л.608) In Grjadetsky volost for landowners …
(л.613) In Grjadetsky volost for вотчинники
(л.613об.) for Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov on скаске the person евосельцо the Small town … lives it Feodor from a sort to it of 78 years of the wife ево Marfy 72 summers and it Feodor from service on Moscow from розряду is set aside children at it by Gavrila of 32 years and it serves Gavrila in elective швандроне to Alexey of 13 years as Gavrilovoj of wife Mmari 22 summers at it Feodor братьи and внучат and свойственников anybody is not present …

(л.622) volosts Startsovoj …
(л.626) In volost Startsovoj for landowners …

(л.696) In volost Startsovoj for вотчинники

(л.701об.) beyond Simionom Mihajlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father ево to Simionovymсельцо that there was a village Naumovsky behind village 4 court yard …

(л.702) For lieutenant colonel Michael Fodeevym son Chelishchevym … to volosts Startsovoj сельцо Foteevsky … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Olaem Osipov son Chelishchevym … it Michael in Smolenski 35 years of wife Anna Ivanovoj of the daughter of 28 years of children at it to son Ivan of 5 years Michael and in сельце as Foteeve a court yard ево Mihajlov … serve 3 summers in lieutenant colonels in dragoon to a regiment in Smolensk garrison from a sort to it

(л.712об.) for Jurem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov... Village Zubakinsky Alhovkina тож … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father ево for Ivan Golenischev Kutuzov …

(л.713об.) for Alexey Ivanov the heathland Semenovsky … was son Golenischev Kutuzov … village that

For Matveem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the peasant ево Matveja Afanaseva... In Toropetsky (л.714) district 3 court yard are written to volosts Startsovoj on переписной to the book to 186th year in an ancestral lands for the grandfather ево to Matveevym native for Ivan Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov village Alhovkina з villages... Village that there was сельцо Vetrovo and nowadays that ancestral lands in владетельчтве behind it Matveem ….

(л.754) Volost Nezhelsky for landowners

(л.757) For Matveem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the peasant ево Kuzma Dmitriev Maxim Matveeva in Toropetsky district in Nezhelsky volost to an estate it is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the grandfather ево Matveevym for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov village Chernogubova Aristova Mordilova тож, a court yard country … a court yard бобыльской... Villages Bosoryginoj Naroevo тож

(л.763) [Volost Nezhelsky for вотчинники]
For Seven-this Mihjlovym son Golenischev Kutuzov … сельцо Jamishche … in переписной is written to 186th year the book for Mikitoju Savinov son Golenischev Kutuzov …

Kupejsky a camp …
(л.785) For landowners

(л.786об.) for Vasilem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски widows Aksini Ignatevoj of wife Karamolina to it Aksini from раду 60 years, and the husband served in копейщиках and in last годех умре, (л.787) and children at it both братьи and свойственников where she lives in the house with it никхто does not live, and on money it is not offered, and the estate and an ancestral lands behind it is not present, and lives ана in Holmsk district in Kupejsky I will become in сельце Zaharine Vasilja Ivanov of son Golenischev Kutuzov and people and peasants at it are not present

For Vasilem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски heads ево... The landowner ево on service of a great sovereign at infantry to a regiment порутчиком and at which to a regiment прото he does not know, and on переписной to the book to 186th year... For Ignatem Dmitriev son Karamolinym of half-village Tufanovoj... (л.787об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Dmitry Ivanov son Karamolinym жеребей villages Zaharinoj... And that... For Vasilem Golenischev Kutuzov and yes for Vasilem Arbuzovym

(л.788об.) beyond Uljanom Aleksandrovym son Golenischev Kutuzov … Mouth village …

(л.789об.) for prince Andrey княж Ivanov the son Shehovsky on скаски ево to it from раду 45 years, and before this great sovereign service were served by it prince Andrey in драгунех, and last 709th year in Great Novegorode on analysis of Sanktpitebursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Karsakova in a shelf to it is not enjoined to serve for this purpose what to serve a great sovereign service not годен, and is imposed on 10 рублев, the wife at it Feodor's princess of 43 years, children at it the son prince Vasilej of 9 years, prince Mikita of 7 years, prince Boris of 5 years, and lives it prince Andrey in an estate in Holmsk district in the Kupejsky camp in сельце Pluzhnitse, and on переписной to the book to 186th year is written for the father ево... (л.790) and has given to it to prince Andrey of that person... The brother-in-law ево пусторжевец Gavrila Grigoriev son Shusherin …

(л.795) For the widow княгинею Kuzminoj the daughter of the prince the Dmitrievsky wife of Shehovsky Agrafenoju yes for вдовою княгинею the prince the Vasilevsky wife Shahovsky on скаски their Agrafeny from раду 32 years, and the husband its prince Dmitry served a great sovereign service in рейтарех, instead of ево on service of a great sovereign became unknown on fight last 704th year (л.795об.) in швецкой the earths, the daughter at it Praskovja of 6 years, and to it Afimi from раду 25 years, the husband of its great sovereign service served in рейтарех and last 704th year on service of a great sovereign in швецкой the earths of its husband on fight is not become unknown, children at it son Egorej of 5 years, and they not on are imposed by the monetary salary, and she lives Agrafena in Holmsk district in the Kupejsky camp in полусельце that there was a village Volova, and she widow Afimja lives in Holmsk district in the Kupejsky camp in сельце Bedeve

(л.798) In Kupejsky I will become for вотчинники

(л.812) the Camp Hlavitsky …
(л.814) the Camp Hlavitsky for landowners …
(л.834) the Camp Hlavitsky for вотчинники

(л.835об.) for полуковником Michael Fadeevym son Chelishchevym … on service of a great sovereign in Smolensk and the wife and children with it in Smrlenske … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father …

(л.847об.) beyond Kirjakom Fektistovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... Dulov's village is written in переписной to the book to 186th year beyond Kostentinom Voinovym son Noshchokinym...

(л.856) the Camp Lazorevsky …
(л.860) the Camp Lazorevsky for landowners …
(л.880об.) a camp Lazorevsky for вотчинники

(л.891) the Camp Marhovsky …
(л.893) the Camp Marhovsky for landowners …

(л.895) For Michael Ivanov son Sumarokov... In переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Ivan Alekseevym the son Green [the father-in-law M.I.Sumarokova] in village Malyshevoj 4 court yard … former ево landowner Ivan Zelenoj has translated in Toropetsky district in Kacharinsky volost in 188th year and nowadays those крестьяами widow Anna Alekseevskaja the wife Green owns...

(л.900) For prince Ivan yes for prince Boris княж Gavrilovymi children Shehovsky... In переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father of their landowners for prince Gavrilom княж to Ivanovs сыномвыми children Shehovsky …

(л.914) In Marhovsky I will become for вотчинники

(л.922) the Camp Murovensky for landowners …

(л.932) the Camp Zagorsk for landowners …

(л.942об.) on fairy tales of the prince of the Kirilovsky person княж Andreeva of the son Shahovsky... In Holmsk district in Zagorsk a camp village that there was a heathland of Kuznetsovo... (л.943) in переписной to the book to 186th year it is written in Toropetsky district in Kazarinsky volost for Stepan son Kutuzov... Wives ево the landowner ево widows of princess Pelagei Petrovoj of the daughter are strong...

(л.951об.) for Feodor Aleksandrovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... The landowner ево lives in the Rzhev district, and behind it In Holmsk district in Zagorsk to a camp (л.952) сельцо that there was a village Filtsovo... In переписной to the book to 186th year it is written behind it the landowner ево...

(л.956об.) for prince Boris княж Gavrilovym the son Shehovsky on скаске the peasant ево... For the landowner ево prince Boris Shehovskim the given estate in Holmsk district in Zagorsk a camp that was given to it to the landowner ево in given by the father-in-law ево Stepan Mihajlov son Zhukov, and on переписной to the book to 186th year is written for Peter Mihajlovym son Zhukov of village Pustynki...

(л.961) For Alexey Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... In Zagorsk I will become patrimonial сельцо to Elno over рекою over Tudrom and in it a court yard of the landowner ево and in it domestic it … (л.961об.) it is strong … on given from Feodor Ivanov of son Arbuzova [the grandfather on mother A.I.Golenishcheva-Kutuzova] yes in that сельце to Yelnya for Feodor Ivanov son Arbuzovym of veins domestic the person …

(л.963) For prince Larionom княж Ivanov the son Shehovsky... In an ancestral lands village Zagore, and in it a court yard of landowners prince Lariona Shehovsky, and from a sort to it prince Larionu 33 years, and serve it the landowner ево a great sovereign service in elective швандроне at the colonel prince Timothy Putjatine, the wife at the landowner ево to Irinja of 36 years [daughter Ieva Nikiticha Arbuzova - married since 1704], mother at it the landowner ево princess Malanja of 60 years, children at it two daughters Agafja of 2 years, Anna to year... It is written on переписным to books to 186th year (л.963об.) for the grandfather the landowner ево for prince Vasilem княж Stepanovym the son Shehovsky...

(л.976об.) a camp Ratnovsky for вотчинники

For prince Peter княж Anfinogenovym the son Shehovsky... In an ancestral lands сельцо Bobrovo over рекою over Tudrom, from раду to it to prince Peter of 55 years, and served напред this great sovereign service it prince Peter in hundreds, last 705th year in Kapore on analysis of Sanktpitebursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova from service it is set aside... The wife at it princess Lukerja of 36 years, children at it the first жаны prince Alexey of 20 years, prince Mihajla of 15 years, serve оне a great sovereign service in elective швондроне in a shelf of prince Timothy Putjatina, prince Alexey has started to serve in 705th year, prince Mihajla in 709th year, and serve ане with тое отцовския an ancestral lands, and behind them is not present a uniform court yard, yes at негож prince Peter son Dmitrej of 2 weeks, daughter Irinja of 5 years... (л.977об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father of the landowner ево for prince Bulaem княж to Stepanovym the son Shehovsky village of Borisov...

(л.981об.) for Olekseem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov … the patrimonial village Kladishche … is empty …

(л.982) For prince Ivan княж Vosilevym the son Shehovsky... In an ancestral lands сельцо High Troskalevo тож over рекою over Tudrom... A court yard of the landowner... To the landowner ево to prince Ivan of 55 years, and a great sovereign service it the landowner ево in elective швондроне at the colonel prince Timothy Putjatine, the wife at it the landowner ево princess Aksinja Savin the daughter of 50 years, children at it the landowner ево the daughter княжна serves Evdokeja of 12 years, the daughter княжна Natalia of 8 years, the daughter княжна as Afimja of 4 years, prince Andrey of 2 years... (л.982об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father of the landowner ево to an estate village Gruzdiha... On розделу from the landowner ево the brother ево роднова prince Ivan большова княж Vasileva of son Shehovskago... (л.985об.) and other court yard... It is given in given for сестрою the landowner ево to Ermilu Fedorovu to son Kartsovu...

(л.985) For стольником Avram Fedorovym son Lopukhin … the landowner ево lives on Moscow … in an ancestral lands that on переписной to the book is written to 186th year for Timothy Osipov son Chelishchevymm to a glade over рекойю Hudneju...

(л.987) For prince Larionom княж Ivanov the son Shehovsky... That ево the prince to Larionov to prince Ivan княж to Vosilevu to the son Shehovsky on розделу з brothers ево native Ivan's prince меньшова княж Vosileva of son Shehovskago has got to the father of a fatherly ancestral lands that on переписной to the book is written to an estate for the grandfather of the landowner ево for prince Vosilem Shehovsky... Village Gruzdiha... The uncle of the landowner ево prince Ivan княж Vosilev the son Shehovsky owns...

(л.997) Volost Marevsky for landowners

For Jurem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov... The landowner ево lives in Toropetsky district, and behind it In Holmsk district in Marevsky volost сельцо Moseevo... (л.998) and in переписной to 186th year 2 court yard are written the book on тои villages Shapkinoj for Michael yes for Kostantinom Grigorievs children of Veriginymi... (л.998об.) in переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Michael Grigoriev son Veriginym...

(л.1000) For prince Ignatem княж Dementyev the son Shehovsky on a fairy tale of the person ево... (л.1000об.) the landowner ево served a great sovereign service in Big Moscow to a regiment in стряпчих on a lobby, and nowadays the landowner ево умре, and children it still had son prince Alexey of 48 years, the son prince Vasilej of 47 years, the son prince Sergey of 46 years, the son prince Feodor of 45 years, the son prince Matfej of 30 years [c 1712 - his wife Fedosja - Peter Fedorovicha Gafidova's widow], and a great sovereign service they in Big Moscow serve a regiment on жилецкому to the list, the son ево prince Matfej serves at сиятельнаго prince Alexander Danilovicha Menshikov in elective house companies in вахмистрах, and the son prince Alexey yes the son prince Feodor in department there live in the Novgorod district, and estates behind it the landowner ево in Holmsk district in Morevsky volost сельцо Tsepjatin about, and in that сельце there live children ево помещиковы prince Vasilej yes prince Sergey...

(л.1001) on a fairy tale of Vasilja Ustinova of son Izmaylov from a sort to it Vasilju of 50 years, and a great sovereign service served in драгунех and last 709th year in Great Novegorode on розбору to Sanktpiterbursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova of a great sovereign of service to serve it is not enjoined... The wife at it Irinja of 40 years, children at it daughter Fevronja of 2 years Pelageja of half a year the nephew at it Feodor Ignatyev son Izmaylov of 3 years … (л.1001об.) in полусельце … and people and peasants are not present Efremove

For новгородцем Michael Grigoriev son Veriginym … сельцо Fomino … it the landowner ево Mihajlo of 30 years on service of a great sovereign in драгунех in house швандроне prince Alexander Danilovicha Menshikov the brother ево native Ivan 27 years serve in драгунех in Lutsk to a regiment and in that сельце there lives the father of their native Grigorej Isakov son Verigin of 65 years from regimental services is set aside in 703rd year under Shljusinburhom on analysis окольничего Peter Matveevicha Opraksina and on analysis in Kopore лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova is offered on money and pays in treasury of a great sovereign on 13 рублев for a year … (л.1002) the estate сельцо Fomino yes village the Broad gull з villages … is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the grandfather ево native for Isakom Ivanov son Veriginym Kostentin yes Martin Vasilevy children of Bochkovy and nowadays their wives and their children is taken under the decree of a great sovereign in стрельцы live in Toroptse and their that court yard is empty …

(л.1002об.) for Vasilem Vasilevym son Veriginym … сельцо Sidorovo … a court yard of the landowner … the brother native Sava Vasilev son Verigin is single … and in last 706th … to year in Kopore … it Sava from regimental service is set aside for this purpose that it is blind … and from a sort to it of 47 years and the landowner ево served as Vasilej Verigin of 30 years государеву service in драгунех in Lutsk to a regiment … is written in переписной to the book to 186th year for the grandfather of the landowner ево beyond Isakom Iivanovym son Veriginym сельцо Fomino

(л.1016) For Ivan Mihajlovym son Izmaylov on скаске ево from a sort to it to Ivan of 90 years, and a great sovereign service served in рейтарех and last 205th year in Toroptse on розбору prince Jacob Stepanova of the son of Lvov of a great sovereign to service to serve it behind an old age ево it is not enjoined... The wife at it Marja of 70 years, children at it 2 sons Feodor big (л.1016об.) 40 years yes Feodor меньшой 30 years, and a great sovereign service serve they in драгунех in Lutsk to a regiment, the daughter at it maid Salomanida of 24 years, Evdokeja of 20 years, and he lives Ivan in Holmsk district in Morevsky volost yes at court ево in сельце the Grief Listove there live nieces ево widow Tatyana Jureva the daughter Afonasevsky wife Golohvastova Tatyana of 35 years, and its husband served a great sovereign service in рейтарех, yes Feodor Gerasimov's widow daughter Fedorova Izmaylov's wife of 50 years, and its husband was the greenhorn, yes widow Fedosja Semionova daughter Logvinova Izmaylov's wife of 50 years, and the husband ея served a great sovereign service in драгунех and умре, yes Fedosja Pavlova Mironov's daughter Izmaylov's wife of 35 years, and the husband ея serves 25 years a great sovereign service in драгунех in new instrument to a regiment in Great Novegorode...

(л.1019об.) for prince Ivan княж Ponkratevym the son Shehovsky on скаске the person ево... сельцо Chjuchemitsy, and in that сельце a court yard of the landowner ево, and live in that court yard the father of the landowner ево prince Ponkratej Dementiev the son Shehovsky, and from a sort to it of 80 years, and served a great sovereign service under the list of noble family and last 705th year in Toroptse on розбору Ivan Tikhonov of son Nazimova from service of a great sovereign is set aside... At it the landowner ево children prince Ivan of 19 years, prince Feodor of 30 years [so in the original!], and they in драгунех in Lutsk serve a regiment...

(л.1027) For Ivan yes for Matveem Grigorievs children of Koramolina on скаске their peasant … that is written on переписной to the book to 186th year beyond Kostentinom yes for Michael Grigorievs children of Veriginymi … on villages Goshchinoj … and that court yard on a summer residence for Jurem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov … (л.1028) on переписной to the book to 186th year beyond Arhipom Matfeevym son Glazov …

(л.1029) In Moravian volost for вотчинники

(л.1039) Volost Velilsky for landowners

(л.1061) Beyond Firsom Fedorovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... On a heathland Adam's new constructed сельцо...

(л.1063) For Alexey Ulyanov son Golenischev Kutuzov on скаски the person ево... The landowner ево lives in the Rzhev district, and estates behind it in Holmsk district... It is written on переписной to the book to 186th year for prince Osipom княж Averkievym the son Shahovsky сельцо Fedaravshchina that there was a village... (л.1064) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written (л.1064об.)... In Holmsk district... Beyond Mitrofanom Shahovsky...

(л.1065об.) beyond Vedenihtom yes beyond Savinom Fedorovymi детми Izmajlovymi yes for Kuzma Ivanov son Karamolinym landowners евоIzmajlovy serve a great sovereign service in драгунех to Vedeniht in Olonetsky to a regiment and to it of 30 years Savin 25 years serve in Velikolutsky to a regiment the wife at it as Vedenihta Pelageja [Ivanovna Karamolina] of 30 years of children at it there is no at Savin wife Aksinja of 40 years of children at it son Vasilej of 5 years Jacob of 2 years … Karamolin lives in Toropetsky to district … (л.1066) on переписной to the book to 186th year is written for the father their village Avsjanikova that nowadays сельцо … the person … is given to given Grigorju to big Rodionovu to son Podchertkovu and another of a half-court yard of the person … is given to given Grigorju Andreevu to the son Green and другово людсково a half-court yard … is given in given to Peter Demidov to son Rukinu for sisters of the landowner ево (л.1066об.) Yes behind it the landowner ево in Velilsky volost the given estate of half-village Luneva … on переписной is written to 186th year the book for Ignatem Matveevym son Glazov [wife Avdotya Jakovlevna Tatarinov - in 2nd marriage for Ignatem Ivanovichem Karamolinym] …

(л.1067об.) beyond Uljanom Aleksandrovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... сельцо that there was a village Miheevshchina that is written on переписной to the book to 186th year for Stepan Yeremeyev son Fettsovym... And on that сельце Miheevshchine lives widow Stefanida Vasileva the daughter Ermilinsky wife Stepanova of son Fettsova from a sort to it of 56 years...

(л.1068) For Grigorem Andreevym son Golenischev Kutuzov... сельцо Hohlovo, and in that сельце a court yard of the landowner ево... And he the landowner ево lives in the Rzhev district... That is written on переписной to the book to 186th year for Jurem Grigoriev son Nefedevym...

For Jurem Grigoriev son Nefedevym... сельцо Zareche... From a sort of 60 years, wives ево to Avdotya of 50 years, and it the landowner ево serves государеву service in Kapore and is defined to государевым (л.1068об.) to affairs, at it the landowner ево son Ivan of the first wife of 30 years, the wife at it [so in the original!] 28 years, and it Ivan lives in the Rzhev district, and serves государеву service in Kapore and is defined to affairs... (л.1069) are given to dowries at the landowner ево to Melentiju Semenovu to son Azarevu for the daughter своею Annoju... Peasants has reduced in the Rzhev district... In given for the daughter своею to Tatjanoju Andrey Fedorovu to son Golenischev Kutuzov a heathland of Hohlovo... Yes that on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for вдовою to Aleksandroju Maksimovskoju женою Shamsheva...

(л.1069) For Timothy Aleksandrovym son Shamshevym … (л.1070) that has got on section from the brother ево роднова to Abrosima Shamsheva сельцо to Snegirevo and сельце the court yard of the landowner ево lives in that it from a sort to the landowner ево 30 years of widows at it son Peter semicontainer year and it served the landowner of its great sovereign service in elective швандроне and last 708th year it the landowner ево from швецких people on fight in Kaporsky district is wounded punched двемя by bullets and under the decree of a great sovereign behind those wounds ево behind those wounds ево the landowner ево on service great to send not веленодасталась to the landowner ево in given for женою ево Sergeevskago of an estate of Aleksandrova of son Kushelev and that in that сельце the Snegiryov on переписной is written to 186th year the book for the father of the landowner ево for Alexander Semenovym son Shamsheva... (л.1070об.) are given in given at the landowner ево for сестрою своею to Feodor Kostentinovu to son Skvartsovu …

(л.1071) For Moseem Petrov son Kazlovym … in last годех Afonasej Ivanov son Kalitin in half-village Jazvo dowries … has given to the landowner ево

(л.1071об.) for Kirjakom Feoktistov son Golenischev Kutuzov … villages Jazvov … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Savoju Ivanov son Kalitinym …

(л.1072) … on скаски Vasileva чловека Kuzmin of son Podchertkova … for патчерицами ево maids of Matrenoju yes Marfoju Andreevymi детьти Glazov … on переписной to the book is written to 186th year for … to Afonasem Andreevym son Narovatym … village Rudnitsa …

(л.1072об.) for Jurem Ivanov son Golenischev Kutuzov... The village that was a heathland of Koveziha

(л.1073) Volost Velilsky for вотчиники

(л.1074об.) for Matveem Elizarevym son Golenischev Kutuzov... The landowner ево nowadays in the house is not present... That is written for the father of the landowner ево to an estate, and nowadays in an ancestral lands сельцо to Obrosimovo, and in it a court yard of the landowner ево, he lives the landowner ево serves a great sovereign service in elective швандроне at the colonel prince Timothy Putjatine, from a sort to it to the landowner ево 28 years, the wife at it as Marja of 24 years, at негож the landowner ево children Jacob of 3 years, daughter Aprosinja to year, yes at негож the landowner ево mother the widow of Barbarian Aleksandrova the daughter of 70 years, yes at негож the landowner ево on an outer entrance hall of people... (л.1075) for the father for Elizarem Aleksandrovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... (л.1076) and other half is given in given for сестрою to Afimeju at the landowner ево to the son-in-law ево to Ivan Andreevu to son Arbuzovu...

(л.1076об.) for prince Michael княж Ivanov the son Shahavsky... The landowner ево государеву service served in hundreds and under the decree of a great sovereign
And under the reading and writing from розряду from service of a great sovereign it is set aside... And under the decree of a great sovereign велено to it to the landowner ево to be at affairs of a great sovereign in Narva in артилерных supplies, and he the landowner ево lives in Holmsk district in Velilsky volost in an ancestral lands in сельце Zaostrozhe, from a sort to it to the landowner ево 78 years, the wife at it princess Evdokeja Timofeeva the daughter [Челищева] 70 years, and at the landowner ево is not present children... (л.1077) the landowner ево for невесткою has given to Jacob Mironov to son Velyaminov, and it Jacob Velyaminov has translated in the Rzhev district... (л.1077об.) for невесткою ево native princes the Ivanovo wife Shahavskago Jacob Mironov to son Velyaminov...

(л.1086) Volost Buetsky for landowners

(л.1089) Beyond Gavriloj yes for Michael Fedorovymi Kutuzov's children … on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for father Feodor Ivanov son Kutuzov …

(л.1093об.) For prince Ivan княж Andreevym the son Shahovsky... To the father to the landowner ево to prince Andrey княж to Andreevu to the son Shehovsky from a sort of 75 years, and mother of the landowner ево Darya Borisovoj of the daughter of 60 years, and the father of the landowner ево served a great sovereign service in hundreds and in the past (л.1094) to 700th year under the decree of a great sovereign and under the reading and writing from розряду a great sovereign to service to it is not enjoined to serve behind an old age and last 705th year in Kopore on розбору... It is offered on money... On 10 рублев... And to the landowner ево the prince to Ivan Shehovskomu of 40 years, and served it of a great sovereign service in hundreds and last 709th year in Toroptse on розбору captain Mihajla Apreleva of a great sovereign to service to serve it to the landowner ево is not enjoined for головною grief and for глухотою. . And it the landowner ево is single yes at негож the landowner the brother native prince Alexey княж Andreev the son of Shahovsky 25 years, and it served a great sovereign service in драгунех and last 709th year in Great Novegorode on розбору to Sanktpiterbursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova of a great sovereign to service to serve it is not enjoined... Yes at негож the landowner ево sister native княжна Aksinja of 20 years, and инех братьи and свойственников at court of the landowner ево in полусельце Ramanovsky is not present... On fortresses from the uncle ево родново prince Artemja княж Andreeva of the son Shahovsky... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the uncle prince Artemem княж to Andreevym the son Shahovsky...

(л.1095) For Artemem княж Andreevym the son Shahovsky... Has got on розделу from братьи ево native prince Kirily yes Andrey Shahovskih's prince... In полусельце Ramanove of the Hill тож... A court yard of landowners... There lives the landowner ево, from a sort to it of 59 years, his wife Irinja of 30 years, at it the former wife children prince Andrey of 30 years yes prince Boris of 20 years, serve государеву service at Piterburhe in initial людех in infantry regiments, at негож the son the greenhorn prince Jacob of 5 years, and it the landowner served государеву service in hundreds and last 706th year under the decree of a great sovereign and by order of Sanktpiterbursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova is released in the house...

(л.1096) For вдовою Marfoju Polikarpovoju the daughter of the Jurevsky wife Green yes for the son of its first husband for Dmitry Ivanov son Polibinym... Landowners ево Marfe from a sort of 50 years, and its husband served a great sovereign service in гусарех and in last годех умре children at it the landowner ево the daughter maid Natalia of 10 years … and he Dmitrej the Polybin lives in department in Holmsk district in Buetsky volost in сельце that there was Frolov's village and to it Dmitreju of 30 years and a great sovereign service it served Dmitrej in elective швандроне in 6th companies and last 709th year in Great Novegorode on розбору to Sanktpiterbursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha (л.1096об.) Roman Korsakova of a great sovereign to it it is not enjoined and suggested to serve service on money … the wife at its Dmitreja Zenovja of 20 years and estates behind it the landowner … сельцо Podlesitsa … on переписной is written to 186th year the book for the husband for Jurem Afonasevym the son Green …

(л.1098) Volost Buetsky for вотчинники

For девкою daughter Afonaseva of the son Green on a fairy tale вдовина Marfina of person Polikarpovoj of the daughter of the Jurevsky wife Green … on переписной to the book is written to 186th year Nataleju Jurevoj for the father for Jurem Afonasevym the son Green …

(л.1099) For вдовою княгинею Pelageeju Petrovoj the daughter of the prince of Kirilovsky wife Andreeva of the son Shahovsky... Remains after the husband... сельцо Bobrova of Onions... (л.1099об.) there lives the landowner ево... From a sort to it of 80 years...

For Matfeem Fedorovym son Golenischev Kutuzov... The landowner ево lives in the Rzhev district... In Holmsk district... сельцо Yudin's Mountain Mihacheva тож... The court yard ево landowners, and in ево помещикове a court yard lives the mother-in-law ево widow Pelageja Dmitriev (л.1100) the daughter the Ivanovo wife Semenova of the son Green, and from a sort to it of 80 years... (л.1100об.) on переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Ivan Semenovym the son Green... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for Jurem Afonasevym the son Green...

(л.1103) Volost Lapastinsky for landowners

For вдовою княгинею Pelageeju Petrovoj the daughter of the prince of Kirilovsky wife Andreeva of the son Shahovsky... That has been written for prince Feodor княж Dementyev the son Shahovsky... ис villages Borzovoj... Last 708th year... Prince Peter княж has deduced насильством the Feodors the son Shahovsky to itself... (л.1103об.) in last годех ани prince Ivan yes prince Peter княж children Shahovsky have deduced Fedorovy насильством the to themselves in an estate... Yes behind it the former landowner (л.1104) ево after an act from prince Peter княж Maksimova of the son Shahovsky have got peasants... Last 704th year the prince Has got hoarse княж Averkiev the son Shehovsky... насильством the has deduced...

For prince Peter княж Fedorovym the son Shahovsky on скаски the peasant ево Peter Ivanov of an estate behind it... сельцо that there was a village Molnina, and in that сельце a court yard of the landowner ево, there lives the landowner ево, from a sort to it of 40 years, and it served a great sovereign service in hundreds and last 705th year in Kapore on розбору Sanktpiterbursky province лантрихтера Jacob Nikiticha Rimskogo Korsakova it the landowner ево from service of a great sovereign is set aside and велено to it to be at Kapore at affairs of a great sovereign and nowadays it the landowner ево at Kapore at affairs... (л.1104об.) сельцо Ljubino, and in that сельце the court yard of the landowner ево, lives the daughter-in-law ево widow Agafja Fomina the daughter of the prince the Fedorovsky wife княж Fedorova of the son of Shahovsky 40 years, at it children the son prince Ivan is crippled on зади and on переди humps of 5 years... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for the father of the landowner ево for prince Feodor княж Dementyev the son Shahovsky... The village Fomina and with крестьяны is given in given for сестрою the landowner ево for Fedoroju Stepan Grigoriev to the son to the Polybin...

(л.1106) For Stepan Grigoriev son Polibinym... Lives in Toropetsky district in Poretsky volost... On переписной to the book to 186th year it is written for prince Feodor княж to Dementievym the son Shahovsky village Usminsky...

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