The Names and Surnames base is created for the purpose of collecting, systematization and exchange of information between visitors of the site about Names and Surnames known for it. Base international.
You will find in BAZ Imena - value of a name, female names, secret of a name, man's names, compatibility of names, sexuality, the name means, the origin of names, interpretation of a name, name history, names of girls, a name of boys, full names, library of names, the dictionary of names, the list of names, a name of the child, orthodox names, middle name names, a name means, a horoscope of names, a calendar of names, the translation of a name, about names, etc.
The base contains the 9316th name.
You will find in BAZ Familii - the dictionary of surnames, the list of surnames, an origin of surnames, history of surnames, value of a surname, from where a surname, the surname means, surnames interpretation, etymology of surnames, the analysis of a surname, surname origin history, roots of surnames, from where occurred surnames, a family tree of surnames, secret of a surname, etc.
The base contains 64664 surnames.
To base has access any user. To change the description of the Name or Surname only the registered user can.