Genealogy - Practice

Introduction in genealogy. The genealogy is a hobby, art and a science of research of family history with which help you can learn your ancestors were whom, and to reach sources of your family. Internet occurrence has allowed to accelerate and simplify search of the genealogical information, giving interactive access to set of historical resources and allowing us quickly and easily to find the information on the ancestors. To track the genealogical and family history, follow нижеуказанным to councils, and you open for itself becoming more and more popular hobby for genealogy.

Purpose choice. Before to begin studying of history of the family, it is useful to be defined for the purpose of your researches. Whether you wish to consider a fatherly (man's) line (in which ancestors will have the general surname), or a parent (female) line, or can even confirm a family legend? If researches are inconvenient, it can appear and so that the decision is already accepted for you. In that case, however, if you have decided not to stop on consideration only one line, costs is system to approach to this question and to order results separately for each line in order to avoid mess.

The family history begins at home. For a golden rule at studying of family history - to try to search in the opposite direction, making a start from already known information. As that, your family tree originates already in your house, and you can be surprised, how much you already know or as much you can learn, without falling outside the limits your family. To start searches at all it is not required abundance of the information, however it would be expedient to fix already accessible information already then to search through relatives for the new.

With what it is better to begin? Begin with itself. Begin with record of the facts about you: your place and a date of birth, the data about marriage, your spouse, children, parents, parents of your parents and so on; write down everything that recollect.

The following step - your relatives. Thanks to the information from your relatives you can learn more about the family, but in this case it is necessary for you to be reserved by patience and feeling of a step. Interesting cases from a family history can be deformed eventually, but they should be written down for check in the future. Necessarily plan conversation with relatives, especially with elderly as they can know what you will not find in one database. Write down any information that you always could address to it in the future. Dialogue with relatives frequently appears very interesting and useful.

How to become successful? Your researches of family history will be how much successful, depends on a number of factors, many of which are not subject to your control. The success of your undertakings depends on safety of records, from that, your surname, from the social status of your ancestors, level of their literacy and possible errors in a writing of their surnames was how much widespread. However the success also depends and on your persistence, ability to be opened to perception new and simultaneously not to take all on trust, to be methodical and to contemplate a problem from the different points of view. In spite of the fact that from time to time you should meet difficulties during search, probably, you will find out that process of genealogical researches will appear not less grasping, than opening.

Documents and photos. Ancient documents are stored in the majority of families and photos which can be valuable to the family historian. Examples of documents which can bring the essential contribution to your researches, are:
Birth certificates, a marriage or death, obituaries, family annals, school certificates, certificates on the university termination, school and university reading and writing, records about passage of military service, official papers, immigration documents, travel papers, diaries, note books with addresses and birthdays, letters, cards, cuttings from newspapers and memoirs.
See old family photos and you will see, how many on them of familiar faces. Show these photos to your elderly relatives to recover in their memory old memoirs. Ask them to try to recollect as much as possible people in photos to save up and keep this knowledge.
Any data which can be collected in a family, can help to put a basis on which the family history will be built further.

Study family history, become a member of a corresponding society. It is possible to find variety of the literature devoted to genealogy in libraries and bookshops. You can think also of the introduction into a local society on studying of family history. You receive all benefits of membership in such society for a small annual payment (special magazines, additional possibilities for the research, well equipped libraries, the help in research and ready recommendations) and also will meet adherents. Think and of the introduction into such society into that district in which you conduct your research. Besides, you can take advantage of the Internet for search of the operating communities which are engaged in genealogical researches. You can find forums on which it is possible to ask questions and to receive answers, to learn about successes and failures of others and to find out on them new sources and Internet resources.

Take advantage of suitable tools. The family tree is the central part of any studying of family history, and its drawing up is frequently fascinating travel which can turn back the present detective story. If you write down all information concerning a family tree on a paper very soon you can get confused, therefore use the software for family tree creation to have possibility to trace history of various relatives of your family tree and related relations between them.
The Internet offers a large quantity of the genealogical information, but this information is separated, at the expense of what to find it not so it is easy. Therefore for economy of your time take advantage of special genealogical search service on MyHeritage Research. It will automatically process your inquiry, will prospect in the basic genealogical databases of the Internet and will display all coincidence for those surnames or people which you search.

Share with others and take pleasure! If you have made your family tree, have collected interesting old photos of the family, and also have written down family legends, stories and entertaining cases, do not conceal such riches from others! Place this information on the Internet that all your relatives and friends could take advantage to it. Probably, and they can bring the contribution to your researches and help you to find the missing information. Thus on you there can be your distant relatives, and reunion the relatives who have lost each other becomes for a long time result of your efforts. Share with others and take pleasure!


1. Drawing up of an ascending tree.
With what to begin.
You have set for yourselves a problem: to make родословие the family. Having filled the ascending tree, you will know that you already know and that it is necessary to learn. It is better to you to begin with itself. You represent an initial branch of a family tree. Having entered itself, collect the information on parents and write down it. Further search for data on your grandmothers and grandfathers, and then - about earlier generations.
What documents to use.
Search for the information at first houses - in documents of family archive, diaries, letters, notebooks, on turns of photos and in albums with photos, in cuttings from newspapers. Studying of these informal documents and even simple acquaintance to them will force you on new to look at the parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, will open before you the world of their feelings and relations, failures and successes. Pay attention to names, dates, a residence, related communications. They represent the key moments, important for a genealogical family.
Use official documents:

  • The birth certificate will give knowledge of time and the birthplace, names and patronymics of parents, their surname.
  • The marriage certficate will supply the information on time and a jail of marriage, a maiden name of mother, dates of birth of spouses (it is especially important in the absence of the birth certificate).
  • The certificate on divorce - about divorce date (in a registry office, instead of court), a place of its registration, послебрачных surnames of spouses.
  • The certificate on death will inform on time, a place and its reason.
  • The passport besides some data specified here will specify residences of the owner of the document, data on the spouse, children (their names and dates of birth). Still the passport has one or several photos of the owner, can contain other data (about a blood type, about an exchange of money).
  • The work record card will supply the information on all places of work and posts, formation...
  • Data about a trade, formation, ranks and awards of ancestors can contain in certificates, certificates, certificates, reading and writing, diplomas, medal books. For men (and parts of women) the universal document is the identity card which contains all these data (and even instructions of growth, weight, the size of a head and footwear).
    The listed documents of family archive will be enough for drawing up of the table to 4-5 knees.
    For gathering more detailed data it is not necessary to neglect conversations with relatives. From the oral data, from memoirs it is possible to learn many the remarkable facts from a life of concrete people, motives and time of moving, work changes, the true relation to religion, data on a financial position, a physical condition, appearance, habits, and also family legends and legends.
    For conversations with relatives prepare the questionnaire with which help it is easy to direct conversation, not to lose a conversation thread. In its basis it is possible to use card points.
    It is natural that these data will be located only in a genealogical list, therefore start to conduct it simultaneously with table drawing up. If you seriously take a great interest in genealogy for continuation of your researches it be required to you more serious, archival, researches. In detail about that in what archives also what search you can to learn from magazine "Native land" N2 for 1991.

    2. Drawing up of a descending tree.
    At a following stage of the researches try to make a descending tree (the table, a list) some kind of (the surname). Methods of gathering of the information - former: family archive and oral conversations. As you can send the tables partially filled with the information known to you, to the relatives with the request to fill empty places with data which are known for it.
    You, your native both cousins and sisters and as other relatives about which existence you, probably, and did not suspect will be end of the descending table! They will appear living both near to you, and in other cities, and on other end of the country.
    It is possible to make a similar tree on a parent line (being guided by its maiden name), and as on a surname of grandmothers and grandfathers. Then the number of relatives about which you learn, will immeasurably increase. And among them, for certain, there will be the interesting people, the well-known persons. Try, and you are convinced of it.

    3. Recommendations about storage of materials.
    To store the collected extracts, documents, documents of family archive follows by several simple rules:

  • To store in the developed kind (for the prevention of attritions in places of bends)
  • большеформатные both important documents and rare photos to place in separate envelopes
  • All material should be grouped in folders on themes, authors, addressees and chronology.


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    The Family Tree of Family