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Patronymics of men

In section of "Patronymic" you not only will find out that the in itself patronymic means not only derivative of a name of your father, but also learn its decoding. It appears that on your patronymic it is possible to learn what character from you, and that it in general means. The most interesting that man's and female patronymics differ. You can learn, for example, what character will be at your child or at the young man who has pleasant to you or the girl. Also you learn when surnames and patronymics began to be used and whence they have occurred.

Impulsive, very vulnerable, quick-tempered and hypochondriac, but easily appeased and not the vindictive. Uneasy, parts change the predilections, throw begun, without finishing. Possess rich imagination, often dream of far wanderings. Like to be in the attention centre, are a little selfish, but thus have many friends. Are a little lazy, but for the sake of career and the health are ready to curtail mountains. Like to argue and defend the opinion with persistence.

Appeasable, hardworking and quiet. Are a little sluggish, but perform the work charged to it very carefully. Are vulnerable, try not to show the experiences do not like to extend concerning the feelings, prefer to prove their affairs. Very much appreciate a family, love a cosiness and an order, treat kindly children.

Are obstinate, basic, quick-tempered and vulnerable. Converge difficultly with people, however with those who can understand them, are attentive, tolerant and even are gentle. Are very efficient. Like all to achieve the work. Are restless, do not like to remain long on one place, adore to travel. Are very hospitable. Success in a professional field usually achieve after 30 years. In home life are a little despotic, take of a position of the leader and demand, that all occurred within the limits of their rules and principles.

Impressionable, with well developed imagination, these people often possess oratorical and musical abilities. Are kind and appeasable, but very much love itself. In relations with people are cautious, however to the friends and relatives trust completely, sometimes in vain. With the years become grumbling.

Are hardworking, obstinate, persevering, very active and mobile. Possess flexible, lively wit. Hate необязательность in people. Try not to give empty promises, always keep a word.

Are patient and persistent. Slowly and gradually go to achievement of the purpose. Are very obligatory and reliable. Are tactful and are able to bypass acute angles by means of diplomatic maneuvers.

Are quick-tempered, irritable, sensitive and vindictive. Do not listen to another's opinion, are resolute and always arrive in own way even if realise that do an error. Like to stop at nothing, an impact and force prefer to diplomacy and conversations. Can be artful.

Character difficult both inconsistent. Kind and tactful, adore to play a trick on the friends and friends. Have set of ideas, but because of laziness seldom realise them. Not so like to risk, however it is frequent лихачат at the wheel. Like to travel.

Are obstinate, persevering, do not like to submit to another. Possess practical mind and carefully count all variants. Are hardworking, but do not love difficult tasks. Distant travel do not love, prefer to be in well familiar territory.

Are hardworking, purposeful, but are categorical and not always find contact to people. Do not like to adapt to circumstances, prefer to adapt circumstances for itself. Do not take out over itself dictatorship, but adore to order, if not subordinates, then the house. Are quick-tempered, but are not vindictive. Are very circumspect and do not love to do conclusions and to make decisions, yet will not see a full picture of an event.

Are hardworking, resourceful, fearless in extreme situations. In a usual life are kind, appeasable, but do not take out compulsion. Often happen are unorganized and do not hurry up to carry out responsible missions on service. In a state of intoxication happen are aggressive.

Kind, sympathetic and very gentle, these men are too trustful and often get under another's influence, both good, and bad. They are easy for manipulating. They are loved very much by children, both another's. Викторовичи and adore children, but sometimes hesitate to show it. Alcohol is categorically counter-indicative to these men.

Are inquisitive, have analytical mentality. Are obstinate and love to argue on trifles. Unbalanced and badly operated, these men converge badly with people, often clash on work and because of it do not realise the possibilities. Possess abilities in many fields of activity, but are especially talented in the mathematician and electronics.

Persevering, impulsive, obstinate, Vjacheslavovichi converge badly with people. They have not enough true friends. They support friendly relations with the necessary people and only for the time being.

Are persistent, persevering, courageous, especially, if it promises them material benefit. Careerists, but hard move ahead on an office ladder. Slowcoaches, like to argue in the most insignificant occasion, do not differ compulsion. Are jealous.

Kind, appeasable people, are always ready to help got to a trouble in word and deed. Happen are quick-tempered and can commit follies in anger. In the heat of the moment it is better to them not to come across. However their anger is short. Very much appreciate a family and related communications. Usually keep a good fellowship with mother into the old age.

Are hardworking, persistent, quiet and patient. Try not to impose the opinion though in a family often occupy in the lead position. Are prudent, judicious, seldom make rash acts. Easily find contact to people. The big sly fellows and diplomats.

Sociable, friendly, sometimes happen are too trustful. This quality of character dishonourable people often use. Are judicious, any business count to trifles and finish. Are slow and hardworking. Are not aggressive and very appeasable.

Are obstinate, courageous and mistrustful. Have got used to rely only on itself. Do not listen to another's councils, can behave roughly with colleagues and in a family. They zealous owners, love the house, are sluggish. Their home life seldom develops successfully in the absence of flexibility and diplomacy in relations with people.

Are persistent and целеустремлены, always achieve the. Possess huge working capacity, prefer to work in loneliness, without assistants. To an object in view go slowly, but it is resolute. In dialogue are a little severe, converge with people difficultly, leave painfully.

Phlegmatic, slow, quiet and thorough. Are hardworking and thoughtful, but are a little sluggish. Often there are economic and thrifty, at them able fingers, but any work occupies a lot of time. To adjust them it is senseless. A lot of time spend on work, are kind and have friends. Despite attachment to a family and a love of children, often happen are unhappy in marriage because of the kindness. Failures worry silently. Are very exacting to friends. Having suspected someone from them of the unfair relation to or treachery, sever relations for ever. Are easy on lifting, like to travel, well are guided in unfamiliar conditions. Love animals.

Creative and talented people, love always and in all to be the first. Possess prudent mind, but often operate, submitting to an impulse. In dialogue with people sometimes experience complexities in the absence of flexibility and some intolerance.

Quiet, patient, modest people, show consideration for another, listen to another's opinion though prefer to arrive all the same in own way. The opinion try to prove, pressure upon others and imposing of the principles avoid. Are punctual and pedantic. Well understand people, are able to estimate another's advantages. Like to travel.

Talented, many-sided persons, with a wide range of interests. Are hardworking and obligatory, love severity and an order. Do not hurry up with estimations and conclusions. Most of all appreciate logic and reasonableness in decisions. Never operate at random though are inclined to take a great interest in any ideas unduly.

Are able to get on with people though do not differ the big sociability. Are very sympathetic and ready to listen to any, got to a trouble, to help council, and sometimes and business, Are proud and are a little vain, possess many talents, but not always can show them. Are efficient, like to count the actions, are a little strict, but are very kind and gentle.

Character inconsistent. Are very benevolent, but sometimes happen are obstinate and are not able to perceive a joke in the address. Are usually judicious, but sometimes happen are inclined to rash impulsive actions. Are appeasable, however, converge difficultly with people. Are capable of cunnings and very much are proud of it. With special attention concern the appearance and painfully react to criticism. In home life seldom happen are happy, though at divorce usually do not dare.

Talented, not ordinary persons, often succeed in a life. But are selfish and obstinate. Are very adhered to the house, do not love distant trips. Treat kindly children, like them to bring up and willingly play with them.

Are tactful and simple in dialogue, converge well with people, are benevolent and do not like to complain of the life. Despite diligence, career heights reach seldom. Gently concern the aged parents.

Possess analytical mind, are capable to estimate precisely a situation and to accept the right decision is unique. Are very cautious and well are able to adapt to circumstances. Are prudent, but, despite it, sometimes make rash acts. At them always it is a lot of friends and friends, they are opened and benevolent, ready to render disinterested aid, love friendly feasts and cheerful wine parties. Sometimes because of the good nature get under influence of stronger natures. Good family men, attentive husbands and fathers. Like to travel.

Are quick-tempered, impulsive, obstinate, are sometimes too rectilinear. Possess strongly developed self-respect. Are ambitious, but at heart - not careerists. Often hold high posts, in extreme situations operate resolutely and quickly, are good experts in the business. Are economical and accurate. With people converge not so quickly. Are not indifferent to alcohol, in a drunken state often happen are aggressive.

Converge difficultly with people, it is easy and without a regret can break off friendship and love relations. Are obstinate, persevering, basic, hotly defend the point of view. Diligence do not differ, however, having laid down itself any aim, can work hard for its achievement. Are talented and неординарны, are capable of unexpected decisions, but have too high opinion on and many claims to associates.

Are hardworking, meticulous, accurate, but do not love the control over itself and instructions. Can flare up and insult if to do by it remarks. Adore to teach, by an old age become bores. Like to sort out relations with the heads and to achieve justice from what often suffer. In dialogue with people are a little closed, and sometimes and are gloomy. Are very adhered to the family and children.

Are obstinate and selfish, artful and inclined to make empty promises. Often think one, and tell another. Are thus kind and forgiving. Sociable, sociable, but very trustful. Happen are not indifferent to alcohol. Are sensitive, vulnerable and are a little romantic. Adore to travel, do not love monotony. Nevertheless are assidious and can perform the work demanding кропотливости. Often happen awkward and slow, constantly are late for work on "good reasons".

In a shower visionaries and romanticists, like to dream of the unrealizable. Possess very difficult character. Like to argue on trifles and to defend the point of view, despite of everything. Are deprived sense of humour, especially when business concerns their persons. Do not aspire to penetrate into another's problems, seldom happen are attentive to the friends. Prefer easy friendly relations to deep serious friendship. Are hardworking.

Are judicious and circumspect, consider each step. Are very artful and are sometimes hypocritical. The relatives surround with care and attention, try to provide with it comfort and a cosiness. Are ready to go for the sake of profit on many dodges, but avoid dishonourableness. Have very flexible and resourceful mind, always happen in fine relations to the heads and colleagues. Do not love haste and vanity, are hardworking and obliging.

Are talented, have practical mentality, do not like to submit and adapt that does not disturb to their career. Are hardworking and persevering, very seriously concern the work. Usually counterbalanced, sometimes happen are unduly emotional, if something is impossible to them. In anger are capable of rash words and acts. The failures take to heart and long worry. Not so sociable, but have a little betrayed and loyal friends. Are hospitable, love the house.

Are very independent and basic. Work carry out with eagerness, often reach supervising posts. Never operate on another's pointer, however tolerantly concern another's opinion. Are benevolent to people, are adhered to the family, very much love the children.

Are very hardworking, undertake any business. Are accurate. Benevolently concern people, are kind and do not love conflicts. In a family occupy in the lead position and like to grumble and sermonise the wife and children that quite often provokes discontent and irritation of the house.

Are very executive and obligatory. Are slow, do not love, when them adjust. Are quiet, very much become attached to the house and a place of the work. Do not love changes. In dialogue with people are simple and benevolent, converge easily and easily leave people. Уравновешенны also like to bring up children.

Natures difficult, inconsistent. Are artful, selfish,
Are clever, love, that last word in dispute remains behind them. Are Sometimes subject to obsessions which with persistence put into practice, despite of everything. Феликсовичи, born in a warm season, differ good knowledge of human psychology and congenital propensity to diplomatic maneuvers. Are very obligatory - any business try to execute irreproachably, including it a point of honour.

Behind external steadiness and coolness difficult and inconsistent character often disappears. Prefer to listen to others and not to express the opinion. Like to fill on itself with an indifferent kind, however it is live are interested in everything that occurs round them. In dialogue are simple, but are a little reserved.

Very independent, bright and passionate natures. Hate any dictatorship, therefore hardly work under someone's management. Differ insight, count possible situations and seldom are mistaken. Are obstinate, resolute and are sometimes too rectilinear. With people converge easily, however because of the character often clash with the heads, the colleague and house.

Are very selfish and a little lazy. The strict control is necessary for them, differently they can not perform the work charged to it or to execute badly. With people converge easily, happen soul of the company, possess sense of humour and are able to be the attention centre. In a family often fill on itself with a strict kind, however in essence leaders are not. Inquisitive, easily taking a great interest natures, do not suffer monotony, like to travel.

Are hardworking and executive, prefer to hold back modestly the advantages, try to be imperceptible. Малообщительны, are curious, try to be well informed about all intrigues and events. Are rather niggardly. In home life happen are sharp and even are rough, they do not have not enough softness and ability to express the feelings. With readiness carry out homework, but on tenderness and caress seldom happen are capable.

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