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Name psychology

How the name is intertwined in a context of individual destiny? Why in various communities, including in social age groups of children and teenagers, so often resort to nicknames? Whether carry out names and nicknames in development of the person of the person special function of psychological protection? On some of these questions the known English philosopher and the psychologist tries to find rather witty answers. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to that special intimate value in which own name is identified with itself and according to which an ambiguous question "Who I?" Supposes as the answer as называние a name, and a certain description. Usually the name carries out a description role. Value of such answer is well illustrated by those feelings of pride, shame... Which our name acquires.

Anthropologists much in more details, than psychologists, investigated names. The data about systems именования in which "the original" name disappears from fear is known that the enemy of the person can find the power over it if learns its real name - and it convincingly shows that degree in which the name of the person is identified with it.

Anthropologists notice that the name choice is partly defined by descriptive or empirical lines of a called subject or the individual and features of the system именования. It is important to realise and a prophetical role of a name, whether it be a name chosen for the person by responsible persons and officially registered, or a nickname, which influence can affect all life.

Social aspects of a name

So, officially given names in which choice the person is not imperious almost. Some exceptions are defined by that in separate legislative systems possibility officially is given the person to change a name at the choice. So, women, marrying, can or accept a surname of the husband, or keep the maiden name. At last, in the British system of titles of noble family the person, awarded a title, has the right to choose a name at own discretion. As a whole, however, I will start with an assumption that the name is given to the person at the moment of a birth or soon after a birth, and the person in any way or nearly so in any way does not define, what his name will be. (Other business that I name nicknames of which it will be a question more low.)

I will plan two basic spheres of the influence, which name renders on the person and the person addressed to. The first concerns opening by the person of the name. How much I can judge, it is not known, when the person opens for itself the names, in what order and as its installations in relation to these names arise, develop and vary. For lack of empirical researches it is possible to admit that the name and a surname are acquired by the person as a certain social knowledge at various times during its individual development. It can be so, and can be and is not present. But, having opened the name, the person gradually comes to understanding of its importance.

There comes such time when children whom has not had the luck with a name, realise that their name is a brand. Due to various reasons some names become absurd, ridiculous, causing sneers. Today an example such - the name of Horas which, how much I can judge the nature of this phenomenon, has been appropriated by animator Walt Disney of improbably stupid horse, and thanks to a popular cartoon film the name has turned to an insulting nickname. Besides there are the names, which in itself are in some measure ridiculous. In my school days a name Longbottom (Tolstozadyj is literally - the comment of the translator) invariably caused sneers, as, accordingly, and its owner.

But the name can act as a brand and other. In those societies where заклеймены certain ethnic groups and characteristic names for them, the name in itself finds emotional loading. It would be incorrect for lack of empirical given to result examples such, however each reader can take them from a private experience.

People who suffer from a brand of the name, are able more or to transfer it less successfully. Thanks to works of American psychologist E.Hoffmann we know, how it is possible to them. The question on that, rules how much opened by Hoffmann are involved in processes of reconciliation with a dissonant name, remains opened for empirical researches.

The painful sensation arising at comprehension of that your name could be another, leads to that the name-brand becomes the extremely unpleasant. Hoffmann allocates three different ways by means of which it is possible to master the name. Those who does not correspond to "norm", appear passionate supporters of this norm. So in a XIX-th century in America names speaking another language were altered on an English harmony. The zaklejmennyj person, without changing a name, can avoid simply that society in which his name is considered a brand. There are bases to believe that more successfully adults children use this reception.

And the third: the name participates in creation of opinion on the person, therefore name change - always a management example made impression. Change can be insignificant: the pronunciation varies only, and the name passes from one ethnic group in another, or the word etymology, and a surname Rosenberg is mentioned turns in Montroz. Besides, it is possible to pass from one part of a name to another, changing a way of representation of the person when, for example, Lizzi becomes Bet. (With a nickname, of course, to consult much more difficultly as it is appropriated by associates, and the person over it is imperious in ready smaller degree.)

Also the effect which renders on us a name when we are proud of it is important. In some societies positive influence of a name is not casual: parents try to choose the harmonious and worthy names to the children which are making related them with the outstanding person, family and even the whole people. In many Chinese families this tradition has remained to this day, and in the Victorian England very often there were names of Fejt, Hope and Cheriti (like Russian - Belief, Hope, Love - a comment of the translator).

The wide circulation has also a phenomenon concerning which practically it is not collected the regular data, is an aspiration of teenagers to change of the name. Certainly, the common sense prompts that the nickname and feeling are so closely bound, however real and wished persons, in my opinion, are separated. The dissociation prevailing in feeling of the teenager, can be overcome by means of change of a name on such which in большей to a measure would correspond to the desirable person.

There is also other aspect - widespread practice of acceptance of scenic pseudonyms when Norma Dzhin Bejker becomes Merilin of Monroe, and Dzherri Dorsi - Engelbertom Hamperdinkom. Probably, there is a certain private representation in a circle of the impresario, what sort a name corresponds to the given type of the person. It is possible to assume that such representation cultural-is specific and changes in due course. Researches on cross-country-cultural and a historical basis could clear, whether there are the universal principles shown in cases in point.

Besides opening of an own name and its fatal value, there is also a perusal of a name by associates, public understanding of personal properties of this or that name. The English newspaper "Sandi Tajms" has published results of own research of features of social sense of the certain names executed in playful spirit. In them four areas of Britain were compared. It has appeared that between the north and the south of England there is a distinction in use of the Victorian female names, for example, the name Emma meets in the south, than in the north is more often. However that often name class distinctions, appears more important in a name choice, than the geographical factor. In those areas where manual skills prevails, a name select carefully, in many respects under the American influence. And in areas of London where mainly there live qualified employees, traditional, simple names prevail.

Certainly, newspaper reports are imperfect. Behind them not investigated features of almost inaudible social experience, the social and personal associations connected with names disappear. The game practised in some families is known, for example, салонная. It consists in guessing that for the person, most likely, is the carrier of a certain name. Sometimes it appears that the role is played by experience of meetings with the people named the same names, however I am inclined to believe that careful empirical research, most likely, will reveal a certain culture of names in which these associations submit to characteristic generalisations for the given district.

The author: Rum of Harre - the master of psychology, the philosopher, the culturologist, the publicist

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