(РГАДА. Ф.350. OP.1 Д.196)

(л.8) 1710 of August in 23 day... Kolomna to district of Big Mikulina to a camp стольника Afonasja Timofeeva of son Savelova of village Andreevsky head Alexey Firsov son Trusov has told... On переписным to books to 186th year it is written in that village in estates for Nikitoju Borisovym son Pushkin of 9 court yard yes for Nazarem Mihajlovym the son Zasetsky...

(л.10) 1710 of August in 14 day under the decree of a great sovereign of the tsar and grand duke Peter Alekseevicha всеа Velikija and Malyja and Belyja Rosii of the autocrat in the Kolomna district Bolshago Nikulina to a camp in village Mjachkove on съезжем a court yard before стольником Peter Andreevichem Kvashnin Samarin Sergija Alekseevicha Sheyin of an ancestral lands ево вышеименованного villages Mjachkova its mandative person Nikita Vasilev son Koptev yes head Davyd Aksenov son Savin have told on святей a pure evangelical precept господни a hedgehog to it to it in the truth on переписным to books to 186th year is written for the father вотченника them for the boyar for Alexey Semenovichem Sheyin in that village Mjachkove yes in village Saninoj of country 172 court yard yes in сельце to Annine Sapino and in an ancestral lands that was on переписным to books to 186th year of Holmovsky volost for Boris Ignatyev son Gorin of country 3 court yard... And in вышеименованном сельце Mjachkove a court yard ево вотченников for arrival yes a court yard of the mandative person...

(л.20) 1710 of August in... In the Kolomna district Bolshago Mikulina to a camp in village Mjachkove of church of Uspenija Presvjatye Bogoroditsy priest Vasilej Ignatyev has told on priesthood from a sort to it of 45 years his wife Uljana Fedorova the daughter of 47 years yes children...

(л.43) 1710 of June in __ day... In the Kolomna district in village Mountains on съезжем a court yard before стольником Peter Andreevichem Kvashnin Samarin Sergija Alekseevicha Sheyin ево Bolshago Mikulina to a camp of village of Mountains its mandative person Elisej Nikiforov the son Poddubensky yes тогож has sat down head Kondratej of Cowards have told... On писцовым to palace books of 182 and 183 and 184 years it is written in that village Mountains з by villages in palace volosts that after that in 187th year that ancestral lands is given the father ево to the boyar for Alexey Semenovichju Sheyin from palace volosts in that village Mountains at church Sergijaja чюдоворца priest Vasilej Tikhonov 40 his wife... (л.43об.) in village Markovoj... In village Varitseh... In village Kamenkah... (л.44) in village Strjapkovoj... In village Hills...

(л.79) 1710 of October in 9 day... In the Kolomna district in village Ilinsky before стольником Peter Andreevichem Kvashnin Samarin стольника Ivan's prince княж Perfilyev of the son Shehovsky сельца Domanova its mandative person... On переписным to books to 186th year it is written for стольником for prince Alexey княж to Jurevym the son Zvenigororotsky and for daughters ево кнежнами for Annoju and for Katerinoju in вышеименованном сельце Domanove...

(л.85) 1710 of September in __ day... Kolomna to district of Big Mikulina I will become Peter yes Michael Ivanovyh of Ignatevyh Ivan Ivanov's children of son Ignatyev сельца to Mjakinina their domestic people... On переписным to books to 186th year it is written their landowners for the father for Ivan Kostentinovym son Ignatyev...

(л.127) 1710 of September in __ day... стольника Matveja Alekseeva of son Golovina Kolomna to district of Big Mikulina to a camp сельца Pechenitsina... On переписным to books to 186th year... For стольником for prince Michael княж Ivanov son Schetinin...

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