1710: ПЕРЕПИСНАЯ the BOOK of the CITY of Arkhangelsk

(Archive SpbOiI AN of the Russian Federation. Ф.10. Оп.3. Д.26. Лл.1-1018.)

(л.18) the Court yard is empty Trofima yes Panteleja Kozminyh of children of Lohova. They live but половье at Artemja Kirilova and писаны above this. The earths at them of 29 sazhen 2 чети.

(л.117) In a court yard Pavel Patrakiev of 70 years, Evgenie's his wife of 65 years, son Alexey of 40 years, his wife Nastasja of 34 years, son Mihajlo of 6 years. The earths of 63 sazhens. In the same court yard there lives подсоседник Ivan Avramev son Rasputin of 30 years, chrome, wife Solomonida of 25 years, daughter Efimja of 3 years. The earths of 41 sazhen 2 чети. And its Ivanovo избенко has decayed and is empty.

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