In this section references to the sites on genealogy are given

Ring of the genealogical sites

The following

The casual


The Russian

All-Russian Family Tree. VGD is a constantly growing Internet collection of data on the people connected with Russia irrespective of a nationality and time of life. The genealogy is not a hobby, it is a sound judgment on history. VGD - the site for who has ancestors.
The union of revival of genealogical traditions - revival and development of traditions of historical and genealogical researches, development and promotion of genealogy
Designate language barriers! unites the Russian (Cyrillic) and anglo-franko-germano-.... lingual (Latin) databases. Your family tree published on our website in Russian will be able to respond to search queries of any conformable Latin writing of your surname.
Russian Family Tree (RFT)
Search of the gone ancestors
Petersburg Genealogical Portal
People of Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The story about Dubovikakh
Архивы России Archives of Russia
Murmansk genealogical society
архивное дело ARCHIVING - electronic archive, consultations on genealogy.
Indexes of archival funds, History of villages and villages of Bashkortostan, work with magometyansky (Muslim) registers of births across all territory of exUSSR, the Tatar and Bashkir genealogy
Shchetkova Olga Anatolyevna - the Southern Ural Association of amateur genealogists. City of Chelyabinsk
Ural genealogical society 620062, Yekaterinburg, p.o. box 198, Lenin St., 69/10
vol. (343) 382-71-42 Eykhe Natalya Sergeyevna; 374-27-63 Eykhe Tatyana Sergeyevna; 333-30-15 Kalistratova Aemilia Alekseevna Tatar Sorts
"Archiving": genealogy, private archive, drawing up family trees, search of documents in archives of the CIS countries and Europe, archival references, consultations.
AnalizPisem.Ru - узнайте всё об авторе письма! AnalizPisem.Ru - learn everything about the author of the letter!
http://www Oksana Korneva, historian-genealogist Search of the gone ancestors
Site of brothers Guskov. A family tree of Guskov, data on ancestors, information on surname carriers, local history materials about the Penza edge

Кланово Родовой сайт Рунета
Klanovo Patrimonial site of the Runet
Moscow Genealogical Association
Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow
Ural Historical and Genealogical Society (Yekaterinburg)
Ural Genealogical Society (Yekaterinburg)
Ural Genealogy. Informal site of genealogical societies of Central Ural Mountains
Forum of the Ural genealogy
Siberian Rodoslovets: Tomsk Genealogical Society "Gerold"
Northern Historical and Genealogical Society (Arkhangelsk)
Tsaritsynsky Genealogical Society
Rostov Genealogical Society
Yaroslavl Historical and Genealogical Society
Borkovsky Historical and Genealogical Society (Yaroslavl region)
Murmansk Genealogical Society
Armenian Historical and Genealogical Society
Genealogy of Adyghe (Circassians)

The foreign

This is a Genealogy site. Genealogy Search Online. Free Ancestry Family Tree Genealogy Software. 3,000 Genealogy Databases. Discover Your Family History and Build Your Family Tree. - Family Tree Maker Family History Software and Historical Records Guide to climbing your Family Tree.
Genealogy TOPLISTS and here for more Genealogy SITES
Federation of East European Family History Societies - Federation of the East European societies of family history
The Polish Genealogical Society of America - the Polish Genealogical Society of America
Lithuanian Global Genealogical Society - the Lithuanian Genealogical Society - Slægtsforskning for alle - Society of the Danish genealogy and family history
Suomen Sukututkimusseura - Genealogical society of Finland
DIS-Norge - the Norwegian genealogical association
Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening - the Norwegian genealogical society
Sveriges Släktforskarförbund - Federation of the Swedish genealogical societies
Genealogiska Föreningen - the Swedish genealogical society

Search of relatives

Wait for me  the Site of a popular telecast
We wait and look for you   Search of relatives and friends, relatives and darlings
Archiving  Electronic archive, consultations on genealogy, services in information search
The integrated database "Memorial"  the Project of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on creation of the generalized electronic databank of the Soviet soldiers, dead and missing persons in days of the Great Patriotic War and during the post-war period
The victims of political terror in the USSR  the Uniform database of the victims of political repressions covering all regions of the former Soviet Union. 
Centrum informacji o obywatelach polskich represjonowanych w ZSRR (in Polish). The list of the Polish citizens, the killed arrested or deported by retaliatory bodies of the USSR since 1939.

Ural (yaitsky) Cossacks

Cossacks  Site of Institute of the Russian civilization
Gorynovich  Site of the yaitsky (Ural) Cossacks
Ural Cossacks  Electronic collection "Russians in Kazakhstan"
Cossacks history  ataman V. V. Altunin's Site
The beginning of yaitsky Cossacks  the Head from historical research Ampere-second. Pushkina Istoriya Pugachyova" 
History of surnames of the Ural (yaitsky) Cossacks  A. I. Nazarov's Sketch
Language of the Ural Cossacks  Forum of Uralsk
Ural residents  Historical sketch of A. B. Karpov. Edition of 1911.
Cossacks: I cause fire on myself  Yu.I.Zuyenko's Publication in the Civilization Project forum
The Ural Cossacks  V. Shilov's Article on the site "Ural Pathfinder"
The last year  the Narration about a red dragon and about the people dreaming of Belovodiya's Earth in documents, reflections and legends. V. Polenov's article on the site "Russian Sunday"
Knights of river army  Historical sketch of I.P. Anikin. The original version of the Scandinavian version of an origin of the Ural Cossacks is considered
Centenary chronological shift in the history of Yaitsky Cossack army  N.D.Gostev's Article on the site "New Chronology"
Criticism of traditional history of the Cossacks  I. Kurinny's Article

Catalogs of programs - the Catalogue of the sites and programs
Access Password Recovery
The Russian portal for downloading of programs

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