Schemes of routes of the underground and trams of cities of Russia
The arms name Weight, Byte
 The arms of Akmolinsky area 27425
 The arms of the Amur region 23155
 The arms of the Arkhangelsk province of the Russian empire. It is confirmed on July, 5th, 1878 the arms Description: "In a gold board Sacred Arhistratig Michael in лазуревом arms, with червлёным burning sword and with лазуревым a board decorated with a gold cross, trampling on a black lying devil. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 29048
 The arms of the Astrakhan province. "In лазуревом a board gold, similar royal, a crown with five arches and зеленою a lining; under it silver east sword, with a gold handle, the sharp end to the right. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 26548
 The arms of the Baku province 27410
 The arms of Bessarabsky province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a board gold буйволовая a head, with червлёными eyes, language and the horns, accompanied, between horns, золотою about five beams звездою and on each side to the right, silver розою about five beams and to the left that half moon turned to the left. A border from colours of Empire. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28570
 The arms of the Chernigov province 28139
 The arms of the Dagestan area "In a gold board on лазуревой extremities червленая a fortress from four towers, accompanied at the head of a board червленою оторваною львиною головою with evil eyes and language over червленым the overturned half moon. The board is topped by an ancient imperial crown and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected александровской by a tape" 27154
 The arms of Area of the Army Don 36745
 The arms of Ekaterinoslavsky province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a board gold вензеловое the image of a name of Empress Catherine II between those figures 1787, окружёное nine gold about six beams stars. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 27847
 The arms of Elisavetpolsky province: "In a black board, the gold column burdened червлёным, with a black handle, and silver ornaments, a dagger and accompanied by two silver Georgievsky crosses. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою" 494396
 The arms of the Yenisei province. The arms description: "In червленном a board a gold lion with лазуревыми eyes and language and the black claws, holding in the right paw a gold shovel, and in the left that sickle. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 29048
 The arms of Erivansky province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a board the silver rock topped with a gold Russian cross. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 27502
 The arms of Estljandsky province. The arms description: "In a gold field three лазуревые леопардные a lion. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28862
 The arms of Abo-Berneborgskoj of province 9211
 The arms of the Grodno province. The arms description: "In червленом a board a gold bison, with evil eyes and language. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою" 27801
 The arms of Irkutsk province of the Russian empire. The arms description: "In a silver board a black running beaver with червлёными the eyes, holding in a mouth червлёного sables. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 23455
 The arms of the Yaroslavl province 26533
 The arms Kaluga губерни: "In a green board the silver wavy belt topped золотою with Imperatorskoju короною. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 12802
 The arms of Karsky area. "In a gold board black gear перевязь, for которою three are placed червленых a sword in a column." 52425
 The arms of the Kazan province - "In a silver board the black crowned dragon, wings and a tail червлёные, a beak and claws gold; language червлёный. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28297
 The arms of the Kharkov province 19887
 The arms of the Kherson province 51203
 The arms of the Kiev province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a field Sacred Arhistratig Michael in a silver attire and arms, with the burning we throw also a silver board. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою" 28223
 The arms of Kostroma province 29843
 The arms of Kovensky province 26210
 The arms of the Kuban area 25252
 The arms of Kurljandsky province. The arms description: "the Board четверочастный. In the first and fourth parts the arms Kurljandsky: in a silver field червлёный a lion in червлёной to a crown. In the second and third parts the arms Seven-Galsky: in лазуревом a field a leaving silver deer, with six shoots on the horns, topped Gertsogskoju короною. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". (The Note: Семигалия - the area which was a part of duchy Kurljandsky.) 29852
 The arms of Kursk province. The arms description: "In a silver board лазуревая перевязь, burdened with three silver flying partridges. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28063
 The arms of Lifljandsky province. The arms description: "In червлёном a field a silver signature stamp with a gold sword, on a breast, under Imperial короною, червлёный a monogram: ПВ WILLOWS (Peter Vtoroj, the Emperor All-Russia). The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 29172
 The arms of Lublin province. The arms description: "the Board is crossed. In top, червленой parts a silver running deer, with червлеными eyes and language, black horns and the hoofs, having on a neck a gold crown. In the bottom green part: between three gold trees, a going silver bear, with червлеными eyes and language. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28759
 The arms of Lomzhinsky province. "In лазуревом a board the gold ship with a silver sail and a pendant, accompanied above two silver rhombuses. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28702
 The arms of the Minsk province. The arms description: "In a gold board three лазуревых wavy belts. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 26208
 The arms of the Mogilyov province. The arms description: "In a gold board a threefold green tomb, on which three червлёных, with green leaves, an ear. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою" 28463
 The arms of the Moscow province 29676
 The arms of the Nizhniy Novgorod province 26764
 The arms of the Novgorod province 29187
 The arms of Olonetsky province 28045
 The arms of the Orenburg province 28307
 The arms of the Oryol province 30157
 The arms of the Penza province 29835
 The arms of the Perm province 26952
 The arms of Podolsk province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a field the gold sun about sixteen beams, over it a cross gold. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 28456
 The arms of the Poltava province. The arms description: "In a gold board the black three-coal monument decorated gold кольцеобразной змеёю. Behind a monument two green banners with gold crowned вензеловым the image of a name of Emperor Peter the Great, staffs червлёные with edges from a spear. All is accompanied, in the head of the board, two indirectly, crosswise put червлёными swords. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 29108
 The arms of the Pskov province 27780
 The arms of the Ryazan province. The arms description: "In a gold field the Prince in a green attire and in downy a sable to a cap, with thrown shoulders червлёной епанчею and in червлёных boots, holds in the right hand a silver sword, in left a black sheath. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 27304
 The arms of the Samara province 27437
 The arms of the Saratov province 27295
 The arms of Sedletsky province. The arms description: 30355
 The arms of Semipalatinsk area 24477
 The arms of Seven-Rechensky area 23991
 The arms of Simbirsk province: "In лазуревом a board, a silver column, on which gold, decorated with two Andreevsky tapes, an imperial crown. The board is topped императорскою короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 26374
 The arms of Smolensk province 27626
 The arms of the Stavropol province 26847
 The arms of the St.-Petersburg province 29007
 The arms of Suvalksky province 28046
 The arms of Syr-Darinsky area 38809
 The arms of the Tambov province 27626
 The arms of Taurian province: "In a gold field black Byzantian, topped with two gold crowns, an eagle, with gold beaks and claws and червленными languages; on a breast in лазуревом, with gold countries, a board gold осьмиконечный a cross. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 27497
 The arms of Tersky area 27714
 The description: the Arms of Tiflissky province. The arms description: the arms Description: "the Green board is divided by a black cross, обремённым two silver cut off hands holding gold Russian трилистный a cross, standing on the silver overturned half moon; in corners of a board four torn off червлёные lion's heads, with evil eyes and languages. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 30020
 The arms of the Tobolsk province 30071
 The arms of Tomsk province 27053
 The arms of the Tula province 26823
 The arms of Tourist's Gajsky area. The description: In червленом a board two gold indirectly crosswise put the spears accompanied, on each side, by those противупоставленными torn off horse heads with лазуревыми by eyes and languages. The board is topped древнею by Tsarskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Aleksandrovskoju лентою. 26949
 The arms of the Tver province. The arms description: "In червлённом a field a gold throne; on it imperial, on a green pillow a crown. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 26052
 The arms of the Ufa province. The arms description: "In a silver board лазуревая a running marten, with червлёнными eyes and language. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою" 26370
 The arms of the Ural area. The arms description: "In a green board three silver mountains on which are put: on average a gold mace, and on extreme gold бунчуки, on which those half moons the ends upwards, topped with gold edges from a spear. In лазуревой a wavy extremity of a board silver fish. The board is topped древнею by Tsarskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Aleksandrovskoju лентою". 24679
 The arms of the Warsaw province. The arms description: "In лазуревом a board a gold sheaf of a rye; all is framed by a silver wavy belt. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 30414
 The arms of Vilensky province. The description: "In червлёном a board on the silver game covered червлёным трёхконечным with золотою каймою with a carpet, the silver armed horseman (pursuits), with подъятым we throw and with a board on which осьмиконечный червлёный a cross that makes the arms of Grand duchy Lithuanian. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 29658
 The arms of Vitebsk province 28072
 The arms of the Vladimir province 28897
 The arms of the Vologda province 27469
 The arms of the Volynsk province are confirmed on December, 8th, 1856 the arms Description: "Silver in средине червленого weeding a cross. The board is topped by Imperatorskoju короною and surrounded by the gold oak leaves connected by Andreevskoju лентою". 44364
 The arms of the Voronezh province 29350
 The arms of Vjatsky province 22722
 The arms of the Vyborg province 100711
 The arms of Transbaikalian area 22793

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