Russia map (1613)
(A printing source: It is made by the Netherlands geographer and cartographer Gesselem Gerritsom. It is published in Asterdame in 1613г.) a
WEB-source: the Russian National Library

Card of the Russian empire (1794)
(A printing source: Imperii Russici pars orientem spectans. Nuremberg, A.G. Schneideriana, 1794. The Russian empire eastward from the Dvina River, indicating some still unexplored coastlines in Nova Zemlya and northeastern Siberia. Includes a portion of Alaska) a
WEB-source: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Card of the Russian empire (the beginning 18 century)
(A printing source: Nicolas Vitsen the beginning 18в the Engraving on copper) a
WEB-source: AB& Staff&Co

Card of the Russian empire (1820)
(A printing source: From The Cyclopaedia or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature by Abraham Rees, 1820) a
WEB-source: UT Library Online

Russia map and its tribes occupying (1866)
(A printing source: Сост. And N.Terbenev's fig.) a
WEB-source: the Russian National Library

Cards of Odessa
(The edition of a bookshop of E.P.Raspopova)

Cards Russian губерней 1869
(The Perm province. From the book "the List of the occupied places according to 1869")

Kazan 1914
(Printing источник:на to a basis of the edition of M.M.Perevoshchikova) a
WEB-source: russiamaps

Nizhni Novgorod 1896
(A printing source:?) a
WEB-source: the Collection of historical cards of cities

Average and Northern Ural Mountains. 1744г.
(A printing source: the Card is published in the brochure published to 400 летию the cities of Verhoturja) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Card of the Ekaterinburg district as a part of the Perm province. 1908г.
(A printing source: the Card of the Ekaterinburg district as a part of the Perm province. The edition of the Ural society of fans of natural sciences. A.Ilina's cartographical institution in S.Peterburge. A buckle, 5) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Card of Ural Mountains. 1940г.
(A printing source: It is published in the Atlas of the World, 1940 of the edition) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Card of the Ekaterinburg district. 1903г.
(A printing source: the Card of the Ekaterinburg district) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Card of Irbitsky district. 1903г.
(A printing source: the Card of Irbitsky district) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Card of Krasnoufimsky district. 1903г.
(A printing source: the Card of Krasnoufimsky district) a
WEB-source: Cards открестностей Ekaterinburg

Cards of Ekaterinburg
WEB-source: Екатеринбург+Свердловск

  • Ekaterinburg as a part of the Perm province
    (The card was a part of the encyclopaedia Brockhaus and Efron. The encyclopaedia is let out in the end of XIX of the XX-th century beginning.)

  • Card of Ekaterinburg 1991
    (The first map of the city after возращения the historical name)

  • Card 1931
    (The big colour card of Sverdlovsk on materials of filming 1925-27)

  • Card 1929
    (The big card of Sverdlovsk on materials of filming 1925-27)

  • Card 1920
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg 1920г. The card is published in the book "Ekaterinburg a city history in architecture". Publishing house "Socrat" 1998)

  • Card 1900
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1900.)

  • Card of Ekaterinburg, V.L.Metenkova's edition
    (The end XIX - the XX-th century beginning.)

  • Colour card of Ekaterinburg 1888
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1888.)

  • Card 1888
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1888.)

  • Card 1829
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1829.)

  • Card 1804
    (A general layout of Ekaterinburg 1804. The card is published in the book "Ekaterinburg a city history in architecture". Publishing house "Socrat" 1998)

  • Card 1780
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1780th years. The card is published in the book "Ekaterinburg a city history in architecture". Publishing house "Socrat" 1998)

  • Card 1730
    (A city map of Ekaterinburg of 1730th the Card is published in the book "Ekaterinburg a city history in architecture". Publishing house "Socrat" 1998)

  • Card 1729
    (A long-term plan of the Ekaterinburg factory of 1729.)

  • Card 1726
    (The plan of the Ekaterinburg factory of 1726.)

  • Card 1723
    (The plan of the Ekaterinburg factory of 1723.)

Additional sources:

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