On November, 15th, 2007 in the Museum of history of Ekaterinburg 5th All-Russia genealogical exhibition has opened. As its organizers act the Union of the Renaissance of Genealogical Traditions (Moscow) with assistance of the Ural istoriko-genealogical society.
Researchers, historians will take part in exhibition opening from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow suburbs, Yaroslavl, Ekaterinburg, Perm and other cities генеалоги.
The first exhibitions have passed in Nizhni Novgorod (November-December, 2005), Bryansk (June-September, 2006) and Kursk (November, 2006). In December, 2006 the exhibition in the State Duma of the Russian Federation has taken place. In April-May, 2007 the exhibition has passed in Yaroslavl. Different in character and to filling, they invariably caused interest in the press, historians, генеалогов, museum workers and simple inhabitants, not indifferent to a family history.
At an exhibition in Ekaterinburg it will be possible to familiarise: - with genealogical trees of inhabitants of Ural Mountains; - with genealogical trees of inhabitants of other regions of Russia; - with the stands devoted to genealogy of known people (Tyutchev, Dostoevsky, Muromtsev, Borjatinsky, the blissful Matron Moscow); - with the creative works showing various ways of registration of the genealogical information; - with stands<Великие солдаты России> (Platov, Skobelev, Krasnov); - with samples of the family trees executed in different technicians and programs; - with the information on activity of the genealogical, search and educational organisations and societies; - with collections of archival documents. Within the limits of the project children's competition is held<История моего рода>. Participants and visitors of an exhibition are invited to VII Ural родоведческую scientifically-practical conference which will take place on November, 16-17th, 2007 in the Museum of history of Ekaterinburg.
In the opening program on November, 15th: - press conference with organizers of an exhibition, participants and visitors of an exhibition at 14.00; - solemn opening of an exhibition at 15.00; - rewarding of active participants; - excursion support; - consultations on drawing up of family trees; - sale of the thematic literature, including. Methodical grants and recommendations for independent genealogical researches;
The exhibition will work in the Museum of history of Ekaterinburg from November, 15th till December, 20th, 2007
The museum address: Ekaterinburg, Charles Libknehta's street, 32. Ph. (343) 371-56-39, (343 371-11-70.
Operating time: daily, except Monday. From 10.00 till.
On all questions to address in exhibition organising committee: - the project head - Korneva Oksana Vladimirovna - the Press Secretary of the Union of the Renaissance of Genealogical Traditions - Striganova Julia Vladimirovna (Moscow)
And also: - the chairman of the Ural istoriko-genealogical society (УИРО) - Elkin Michael Jurevich (343 341-25-45 - the deputy chairman УИРО - Jury Vitalevich Konovalov: (343 338-04-69.
The photoreport from an exhibition:
Grooms Dmitry Leonidovich