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Romanov Petr III Fedorovic

Дата рождения: 1761

Дата смерти: 1762

Отец: Golstejn-Gottoronskij Karl Fridrich

Мать: Romanova Anna Petrovna

Ребёнок: Romanov Pavel I Petrovic

Примечание: Peter III Fedorovich (née Karl Peter Ulrich, German Karl Peter Ulrich, completely German Karl Peter Ulrich von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf; February 10 (21), 1728, Kiel - July 6 (17), 1762, Ropsha) - Russian emperor in 1762, first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne. Since 1745 - the sovereign duke of Holstein-Gottorp. The grandson of Peter I is the son of his daughter Anna. The great-nephew of Charles XII is the grandson of his sister Gedwig-Sofia.