Privacy Policy of the Family Tree mobile application

Last update: January 29, 2024

The terms used in the Mobile Application Privacy Policy have the following meanings:

  1. User is an individual using the Application.
  2. The application is a set of programs and databases for computers under the name “Genealogical Family Tree”, the copyright holder of which is the Author.
  3. Author - Dmitry Konyukhov (hereinafter referred to as the Author), who is the developer, copyright holder and supplier of the Application.
  4. Device - a mobile technical device (smartphone, tablet or other device) with access to the Internet on which the Application is installed.
  5. Personal information of the User - personal information that the User provides about himself independently during registration (creating an account) or in the process of using the Application, including the User’s personal data. Data that is automatically transferred to the Author in the process of using it using the Application installed on the device, including information about the User’s Device.

General provisions

  1. This Privacy Policy for a mobile application applies to the information that the Author can receive from the User’s Device while using the Application.
  2. Use of the Application means the User’s unconditional consent to this Policy and the terms and conditions specified therein for the processing of information received from the user’s device. In case of disagreement with this Policy, the User must refrain from using the Application.
  3. This Application Privacy Policy applies to all information that the Author may receive about the User while using this Application.
  4. The Author does not control and is not responsible for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services that the User may access through links available in the Application. On such sites, other personal information may be collected or requested from the User, and other actions may be performed.
  5. This Policy applies only to the Application. The Author does not control and is not responsible for information (the consequences of its transfer) transferred by the User to a third party, if such transfer was made on a third party resource, to which the User could follow links from the Application.
  6. The Author does not verify the accuracy of personal information provided by Users and does not exercise control over their legal capacity.
  7. The Author assumes that the information provided to him by Users is reliable and keeps this information up to date.
  8. By installing the Application on his mobile device, the User gives the Author’s consent to the collection, processing, recording, systematization, storage, modification, depersonalization, deletion, change, use of the User’s personal data for the purpose of providing services under agreements concluded between the User and the Company.

Data that can be obtained from the User Device

  1. The Mobile Application has access to and uses the following information on your device:
    1. Information about the User's Device or data about the use of the Application. The author does not copy, store, transfer to third parties or use this information.

Purposes of collecting and processing Users’ Personal Information

  1. The Application collects and stores only that User’s Personal Information that is necessary to provide the services included in the Application.

Conditions for processing the User’s personal information

  1. In accordance with this Policy, the Author processes only that information and only for the purposes specified in clause 4.2 of the Policy.
  2. The Author takes all organizational and technical measures within the Author’s control to protect the User’s information from unauthorized access by third parties, use, copying and distribution.
  3. For the purposes set out in this Policy, the Author may involve partners with whom the Author has entered into appropriate confidentiality agreements in the processing of User Information. Transfer by the Company to partners of anonymized data on the use ofdevelopment of the Application for the purpose of improving the operation of the Application is carried out on the basis of agreements with partners.
  4. The User’s personal information will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Measures taken to protect Users’ Personal Information

  1. The Author takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the security of Users’ personal information from accidental loss, unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure of information.
  2. Personal information provided by Application Users is stored by the Author on secure servers behind firewalls.
  3. Only authorized employees of the Author, authorized employees of third-party companies (i.e., service providers) or other contractors who have signed an agreement on confidentiality and protection of personal data have access to Personal Information.
  4. All of the Author’s employees who have access to personal data sign non-disclosure agreements and must adhere to the policy to ensure confidentiality and protection of personal data.
  5. In order to ensure the confidentiality of information and the protection of personal data, the Author takes all measures necessary to prevent unauthorized access to Users’ Personal Information.
  6. Users use the Application as is and take measures to protect their personal data in it from security threats, including, but not limited to:
    1. —protect your Device and the Applications installed on it from theft or loss;
    2. —protect your Device and Applications installed on it from unauthorized access.
  7. The Author is not responsible for the actions of Users aimed at circumventing any privacy settings and/or violating the security measures that the Author proposes to observe.

Required permissions used in the Application

  1. Access to device memory for storing information.
  2. Access to the device camera to obtain multimedia information.
  3. Access to geodata to obtain cartographic information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy and applicable law

  1. The Author has the right to make changes to the Policy by posting a new version of the Policy on the Author’s website and (or) in the Application.
  2. The Policy is approved by the Author and posted on the Author's website. Changes and additions made to the Policy are put into effect after their approval by the General Director of the Author.
  3. The responsibility to independently familiarize yourself with the current version of the Policy lies with the User
  4. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy. The current edition is always located on the page at
  5. This Policy and the relationship between the User and the Company arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact me:

  1. Author: Dmitry Konyuhov
  2. By email:
  3. By visiting this page of our website: https:/
  4. By phone number: +79222058030

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